The British public is being misinformed about the U.K. government’s role in shaping coverage of global events such as the war in Ukraine, John McEvoy and Mark Curtis report.
During the 1999 conflict over Kosovo, the KLA was seen by the U.K. as terrorist, but was covertly and overtly supported by the Labour government, Mark Curtis reports.
You can see the twinkle of this looming conflict in the eyes of Western imperialists as far back as a 1902 interview with Winston Churchill that was published a year after the U.K. leader’s death.
An economist digging below the surface of an IMF report has found something that should shock the Western bloc out of any false confidence in its unsurpassed global economic clout.
Declassified files show how Russia’s president, during the 1990s, repeatedly told Western counterparts he was “not against” expansion of the military alliance, Matt Kennard reports. He even devised an agreement to bring the Russian people onside.
George Monbiot has been regularly smearing icons of the progressive left, writes Jonathan Cook. Now, it seems, it is comedian Russell Brand’s turn to come under his scalpel.
While the government refused to discuss workers’ demands for months the wave of strikes and protests have led it to call nurses, ambulance workers, and physiotherapists to the negotiating table.
The jailing of three U.K. climate activists should provide another warning to anyone expecting judges to defend liberties. The current legal establishment will adapt itself to whatever legal framework is ordained by the rulers.