Cancel culture is inbuilt in the techno-feudalist project: conform to the hegemonic narrative, or else. Journalism that does not conform must be taken down.
Ukraine’s “pro-democracy” president has outlawed his opposition, ordered rivals arrested and presided over the disappearance and assassination of dissidents, Max Blumenthal and Esha Krishnaswamy report.
Even before hostilities broke out, the CEOs of major weapons firms were talking about how tensions in Europe could pad their profits, William D. Hartung and Julia Gledhill report.
Americans don’t merely acquiesce to the imperium’s wars, interventions, collective punishments and assorted other deprivations. They actively embrace them.
Once the Russian government decided that integration with Europe and the U.S. was not possible, the West began to portray Putin as diabolical, writes Vijay Prashad.
Analyzing a range of TV news outlets, journalists at The Lever found viewers are often not informed when hawkish “experts” on Ukraine are employed by the weapons industry.