Category: Ukraine

Caitlin Johnstone: Unprovoked!

In the mass media you’re not allowed to talk about the U.S.-NATO actions that diplomats, politicians, academics — even the head of the C.I.A. — have long warned would lead to war in Ukraine.  

A History of Dissent

The Western establishment doesn’t appear to understand how Western journalists could exercise their own agency and judgment to critique U.S. foreign policy without them being agents of a foreign power, writes Joe Lauria.

For a Different Angle on Ukraine

Starting with Robert Parry’s groundbreaking reporting on the 2014 Maidan coup, through the Russian intervention this year, Consortium News has been a leading source of analysis on Ukraine that defies the ‘psyopcracy.’

The Establishment Rather Hates Us

Actions in 2022 by NewsGuard and PayPal and inquiries by a British official proved that powerful establishment actors oppose Consortium News. Help us show them they are wrong.

How NewsGuard Judged Consortium News

After NewsGuard accused Consortium News of publishing “false content” on Ukraine, CN responded with a compendium of evidence that did not deter NewsGuard from assessing a red mark.  

Evidence of US-Backed Coup in Kiev

NewsGuard gave Consortium News a red mark for “publishing false content” on Ukraine, including that there was a U.S.-backed coup in Kiev in 2014. Here is CN‘s detailed proof.