Oliver Boyd-Barrett looks at who benefits from having the corporate media suffocate their public with a puerile narrative for over two years.
Category: Russia
PEPE ESCOBAR: US and Iran Stuck on Negotiation Ground Zero
Donald Trump says he’s ‘okay either way’, whether there’s war with Iran and Tehran seems to be okay with that too, warns Pepe Escobar.
Democrats Blowing on Embers With a Politicized Mueller
WATCH THE REPLAY: WikiLeaks Editor Kristinn Hrafnsson, Michael Isikoff, Pepe Escobar, As’ad AbuKhalil on CN Live!
Consortium News Target of a Malware Attack as Twitter Takes Down Assange Support Group’s Account
The simultaneous escalation of censorship of Julian Assange’s support base, alongside the latest wave of fact-free attacks on Assange and WikiLeaks‘, raises concern about a coordinated effort to smear Assange while silencing those who counter such dubious reporting.
RAY McGOVERN: Sic Transit Gloria Mueller
Democrats, stenographers who pass for journalists and the “Mueller team” will need all the time they can to come up with imaginative responses to two recent bombshell revelations, says Ray McGovern.
Concord Management and the End of Russiagate?
A federal judge in Washington, D.C., has just shut down half of Robert Mueller’s Russian-interference case, writes Daniel Lazare.
Trump Presides Over Dwindling Greatness
RAY McGOVERN: Ex-FBI, CIA Officials Draw Withering Fire on Russiagate
Mueller Report Gets the Trump Tower Meeting Wrong; Promotes Browder Hoax
Natalia Veselnitskaya didn’t have “dirt” on Hillary Clinton and when the Russian lawyer met with Trump’s people her focus was not on the 2016 campaign, writes Lucy Komisar.