For the small segment of U.S. citizens looking beyond the mainstream media, Lawrence Davidson says the discrepancy between popular perceptions and evidentiary reality is relatively easy to spot.
Trump or Harris, the outcome of this election was never going to make a meaningful difference to the victims of the U.S. empire, whatever we were told, writes Jonathan Cook.
The majority of the world does not want or accept U.S. hegemony and is prepared to face it down rather than submit to its dictates, writes Jeffrey D. Sachs.
Journalist Craig Unger has used Robert Parry’s vast archive to help nail down the 1980 October Surprise story, but he diverged greatly from Parry when it came to also criticizing the Democrats.
Given recent articles and books on the Bolshevik Revolution, which began Oct. 24, 1917 (Julian), it’s a struggle on the level of ideas that continues well into the 21st century, says John Wight.