Category: International

Resistance in Jenin

The refugee camp terrifies Israel because it is a representation of a much greater fight undertaken by Palestinians in besieged Gaza and throughout the Occupied West Bank, writes Ramzy Baroud.

Two Days Left

CN‘s Spring Fund Drive ends in two days. If you have already donated, thank you. If not, please take this chance to support our special brand of journalism.

Israel’s Massive Colony Expansion

The approval by Netanyahu’s coalition government of thousands of new colonial settlement units in the Occupied West Bank comes in the midst of a nearly week-long wave of  violence that has drawn international condemnation.

UN Expert Says Close Gitmo After Historic Visit

U.N. Special Rapporteur Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, the first such expert to visit the infamous Guantanamo Bay prison, said those responsible for the U.S. “cruel, inhuman and degrading” treatment of detainees there should be held accountable.