We can make all sorts of noise and even scare ’em, but the A-Holes are here to stay.
Category: International
COVID-19: Vaccine Apartheid
COVID-19: The Disastrous US Response—Dr. Margaret Flowers Speaks to Chris Hedges
WATCH: CN LIVE!—New Episode, ‘War Crimes’
Assassination Strengthens Iranian Hardliners; Weakens Chances of Renewed Nuclear Deal
John Pilger: Britain’s Class War on Children
25 YEARS OF CN: The Establishment’s Thanksgiving—Nov. 29, 2008
The late Robert Parry, founder of this site, wrote 12 years ago that neoconservatives in Washington had a lot to be thankful for with the newly-elected Barack Obama.
Declassify America’s Dirty Secrets in Syria to Stop a Biden War
WATCH: Free Press = Free Assange
ELECTION 2020: War Profiteers, Chickenhawks & Consultants
The members of the incoming president’s agency review teams are a rebuke to the idea of a Biden administration getting pushed left, writes Kevin Gosztola.