Category: International

Britain’s Tangled Involvement in Yemen

The loan of a U.K. military officer raises further questions about impartiality of the office of the U.N. special envoy to Yemen when Martin Griffiths, a Briton, was in the post, Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis report.

Washington’s Version of Venezuela

The U.S. government believes that the only democratic institution in Venezuela is an assembly that has not met in seven years and whose term has expired, writes Vijay Prashad.

Caitlin Johnstone: Unprovoked!

In the mass media you’re not allowed to talk about the U.S.-NATO actions that diplomats, politicians, academics — even the head of the C.I.A. — have long warned would lead to war in Ukraine.  

The Jan. 2017 ‘Assessment’ on Russiagate

On the anniversary of the “assessment” blaming Russia for interfering in the 2016 election there is still no evidence other than showing the media “colluded” with the spooks, Ray McGovern wrote on Jan. 7, 2019.