Category: International

Health Workers in UK Intensifying Fight

Royal College of Nursing’s Pat Cullen says Prime Minister Sunak “should ask himself what is motivating nursing staff to stand outside their hospitals for a second day so close to Christmas.”

The Perils of Pious Neoliberalism

Amid extreme wealth inequality, Vijay Prashad considers the appeal of reactionary new religious traditions that measure salvation in the present balance of your bank account.  

Cambridge University’s Course for Spooks

A former MI6 chief and an ex-C.I.A. officer are offering a program for budding intelligence practitioners at Magdalene College, Cambridge — one of several U.K. universities with links to British intelligence, Mark Curtis reports.

Thomas Friedman & The Myth of Liberal Israel

What you now see so publicly demonstrated is, and always has been, Zionist Israel’s true culture and character — a state designed for one group alone and built on the conquest and dispossession of others, writes Lawrence Davidson.