The liberal Arab camp thinks the ICJ ruling will lead to a peaceful settlement of the Palestinian question, while the popular camp has lost faith in international organizations, including the ICJ.
Columns by Steven Stalinsky in The Wall Street Journal and Thomas Friedman in The New York Times offer case studies of unethical journalism, write Mischa Geracoulis and Heidi Boghosian.
U.S. foreign policy amounts to bombing, regime changing, starving and destabilizing any population anywhere on Earth who dares to insist on its own sovereignty.
Joe Biden relies on advisors who believe in the West’s civilizing mission to the “lesser breeds” of the earth to formulate his policies towards Israel and the Middle East.
None of Trump’s misdeeds rise to the level of single-handedly facilitating a genocide in Gaza or taking the world closer to nuclear war than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
The author has no doubt we are in for a period of more propaganda, fake terrorist plots, false flag actual terrorism and agent provocateur-led terrorism.
Pro-Palestinian Israeli activist Miko Peled explains to a Melbourne, Australia audience Thursday how Israel stole Palestinian cities and farmland in 1948 and has continued its ethnic cleansing until today’s brutal operation in Gaza.