Category: Lebanon

Israel: Beginning of the End

Like every guerrilla war from Algeria to Vietnam, the Palestinians will win the political struggle for liberation as Israel implodes from within, writes Stefan Moore. 

The Guardian’s Anti-Semitism

The media constantly deploy an anti-Semitic trope of crucial use to the Western power elite — that on Gaza, it is Israel pulling the strings in Washington, writes Jonathan Cook.

Craig Murray: Two Weeks in Beirut

In the middle of a shopping street in Dahiya, our driver pulls up at a checkpoint manned by armed militia in civilian clothes, to see if we could start filming. Then it all starts to go wrong.

Ex-UN Peacekeeper: Israel Wants UNIFIL Out

“The pattern of intimidation may get worse” — retired Irish officer Kevin McDonald shares his insights into Israeli tactics with Mick Hall as IDF attacks on U.N. positions in south Lebanon continue.