Category: Canada

Sinking Billions: Revolving Doors

In the second part of her coverage of the Australian Defence Department’s new Frigates project,  Michelle Fahy says it is a jobs merry-go-round for former military officers, bureaucrats and weapons makers.

How Canadians Are Losing Medicare

Dr. Susan Rosenthal describes the rise of Canada’s public health system during labor’s rebellious postwar period and the corporate profiteering by which it is now being destroyed. 

The Establishment Rather Hates Us

Actions in 2022 by NewsGuard and PayPal and inquiries by a British official proved that powerful establishment actors oppose Consortium News. Help us show them they are wrong.

Unionism in US Keeps Spreading

Home Depot is the latest workplace being organized. While profits at the home-repair chain have broken records during the pandemic, workers at a store in Philadelphia struggle to afford necessities, Jonah Furman reports.