The judge will decide on May 4 whether to resume Assange’s hearing in July or as late as November, when the first court dates are open.
The U.S. is trying to extradite Julian Assange to stand trial for espionage, but even though sedition is no longer on the books, that’s what the U.S. is really charging him with, says Joe Lauria.
Craig Murray says the party unit that handled the complaints was not only staffed by vehemently anti-Corbyn right wingers, it was also incompetent.
Julian Assange was arrested one year ago on Saturday and sent to Belmarsh Prison where he still languishes, a symbol of the Empire’s oppression.
In a phone conversation with Vaughan Smith, Julian Assange, apparently uninfected, says the virus is “ripping through” Belmarsh prison and that he spends 30 minutes a day in a crowded prison yard.
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said 70 nations now back his call for a global ceasefire to combat Covid-19, including nine countries in conflict.