Category: Brazil

CHILE 50 YRS: US Scars From 9/11/73

Chile under Pinochet was the experimenting ground for an economic project, neoliberalism, that inspired both Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher. It was also a laboratory for torture and enforced disappearance of human beings, writes Brad Evans. 

A ‘Desperate’ Nuland in Africa

A South African official met an unprepared and “desperate” Victoria Nuland, begging for local help rolling back the popular coup in Niger. The recent BRICS conference might give Nuland even more to fret about, reports Anya Parampil.

India, a Reluctant BRICS Traveler

M.K. Bhadrakumar says BRICS is transforming into the most representative community in the world, with an expanding membership that interacts while bypassing Western pressure.

WATCH: BRICS Summit Disappointments

The BRICS summit in Johannesburg that ended Thursday took on six new members but in other ways failed to live up to its billing, as explained in this episode of George Galloway’s MOATS.

BRICS & World Balance

The entire BRICS project is centred around the question of whether countries at the nether end of the neo-colonial system can break free through mutual trade and cooperation, writes Vijay Prashad.

The Dependency of Poor Nations

Countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia emerged in the post-World War II era as appendages of a world system that they were unable to define or control, writes Vijay Prashad.