Danny Sjursen finds America’s Moro War – which included misleading accounts of progress by military commanders — grimly familiar in the context of today’s Afghan War.
Category: Intelligence
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JOHN KIRIAKOU: James Comey’s Interview on Fox News Screams Out for Correction
The former FBI director knew exactly what his agency had on Carter Page and, contrary his assertion, it’s incredibly easy to get a FISA warrant.
Doctors Issue Urgent Australian Appeal to Save Julian Assange
More than 100 medical doctors urge the Australian government to protect the life of its citizen “before it is too late.”
ROBERT PARRY: The Foundering Russia-gate ‘Scandal’
Taking on water from revealed FBI conflicts of interest, the foundering Russia-gate probe – and its mainstream media promoters – are resorting to insults against people who note the listing ship, Robert Parry wrote two years ago today.
JOHN KIRIAKOU: Those Torture Drawings in the NYT
The Most Significant Afghanistan Papers Revelation Is How Difficult They Were to Make Public
Caitlin Johnstone is disturbed by how much time and money was required to make the U.S. government comply with its own transparency laws.
US & UK Military-Intelligence Apparatus Deploy Media Smears Against Corbyn
In the lead-up to Britain’s historic election on Thursday, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has been hit with evidence-free Russiagate-style allegations, Ben Norton and Max Blumenthal report.
RAY McGOVERN: Barr Blasts Inspector General For Whitewashing FBI
US Government Drops Case Against Max Blumenthal
The arrest is part of a wider pattern of political persecution of those who resisted the seizure of the Venezuelan embassy by a U.S.-backed coup administration, reports Ben Norton.