Syria has long been on the neocons’ “regime change” list, so they eagerly supported a violent insurgency to topple the Assad regime even as it veered into extremism. Now, that policy is collapsing but President Obama won’t admit the failure,…
Category: Intelligence
Covert US Military Training Goes to Africa
WPost Seeks US-Patrolled ‘Safe Zone’ in Syria
Chastened Saudis Look to Iran Detente
Exclusive: Last year, Saudi intelligence chief Bandar bin Sultan was swaggering around the world boasting of Saudi influence over radical jihadists from Syria to Chechnya and collaborating with Israel against Iran. But Bandar is gone and the Saudis may be retrenching, writes Andres…
Can the Surveillance State Be Stopped?
How Wall St. Bailed Out the Nazis
Hitler’s Shadow Reaches toward Today
From the Archive: The key role of neo-Nazis in Ukraine’s U.S.-backed coup is denied by the mainstream U.S. press, which can’t believe the U.S. government would collaborate with such unsavory characters, but that isn’t the real history, as Robert Parry…
Putin’s Subtle Message to Obama
Another NYT ‘Sort of’ Retraction on Ukraine
Exclusive: The mainstream U.S. media likes to talk about Ukraine as an “information war,” meaning that the Russians are making stuff up. But the false narratives are actually being hatched more on the U.S. side, as a new New York Times…