As NATO presses up to Russia’s borders – with secret schemes to influence and absorb unwilling populations – Russia has begun to push back, explaining the origins of the new Cold War, as Natylie Baldwin describes.
Category: Intelligence
US Still Ducks Iraq Accountability
Gaza: Living and Dying with Drones
Of Lethal Drones and Police Shootings
Merkel Urged to Temper NATO’s Belligerence
Terrorism’s Murky Message
MH-17 Probe’s Torture-Implicated Ally
Intel Vets Call ‘Dissent Memo’ on Syria ‘Reckless’
US Veterans Join Petition for Snowden
U.S. military veterans, including lethal drone participants, are joining efforts to inform the American public about the secrets of the endless “war on terror” and are supporting Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing, reports Dennis J Bernstein.