Henry Kissinger’s potential role as an intermediary between President-elect Trump and Russian President Putin suggests a comeback by the old-line “realists” versus the neocons and liberal interventionists, writes Gilbert Doctorow.
Category: Foreign Policy
Hypocrisy Over Alleged Russian ‘Hacking’
Details Still Lacking on Russian ‘Hack’
Summing Up Russia’s Real Nuclear Fears
Escalating the Risky Fight with Russia
Christmas and Endless War
There is a profound contradiction for Christians who celebrate the “prince of peace” at Christmas and then return to the business of endless — and expanding — war the rest of the year, as the Rev. Howard Bess observes.
Obama’s Dive into the Syrian Abyss
How Israel Misuses the Bible
By fuming over a U.N. resolution against Israel’s settlements on Palestinian land, Israeli leaders reveal their final solution for the Palestinians – to deny them property rights and displace them, says moral theologian Daniel C. Maguire.