Category: Economy

The Dependency of Poor Nations

Countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia emerged in the post-World War II era as appendages of a world system that they were unable to define or control, writes Vijay Prashad.

Rumors Over BRICS Summit Point to West’s Paranoia

Media speculation that India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi may not attend the Johannesburg summit and that the nation isn’t receptive to BRICS expansion may be signs a threatened West looks to ‘divide and rule’, writes M.K. Bhadrakumar.

Chris Hedges: Nurses Fight Godzilla

The front line against corporate tyranny is not the ballot box. It is in the desperate struggle by the overworked and underpaid to prevent corporate behemoths from turning everyone into gig workers.

AS’AD AbuKHALIL: Lebanon, After the Collapse

Lebanon’s economic crisis is being compounded by political stalemate, corruption and Western interference, while Hezbollah’s political position has weakened because of a flailing relationship with its Christian ally, writes As’ad AbuKhalil.