From Editor Robert Parry: Thanks to the generosity of our readers we are getting close to our modest goal of $25,000 for our summer fund drive. Yes, it has taken a while but we are now only about $5,000 short.
Summer Ends, So Does Fund Drive
From Editor Robert Parry: As the last days of summer officially wind down this week, we will be ending our fund drive. If you haven’t yet, please consider a donation. We are now less than $10,000 from our modest goal…
Reminder About Comment Rules
From Editor Robert Parry: At Consortiumnews, we welcome substantive comments about our articles. But we don’t welcome insulting, racist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic or other bigoted remarks. Violators can expect such comments to be removed and chronic violators will be put on a…
Sign-up Page Glitch Fixed
From Editor Robert Parry: We’ve just fixed a technical problem with our sign-up page which had kept some readers from getting e-mail updates when new stories are posted at So, if you want to sign-up for updates, look down the right side…
How Small Media Bested Big Media
In Case You Missed…
Some of our special stories in August focused on the worsening crisis in Syria, the injustice of the Manning case, the history of U.S. war crimes using nukes and chemical weapons, and the Right’s disdain for reality.
Your Help Needed to Finish Fund Drive
From Editor Robert Parry: We are wrapping up our summer fund drive and sad to say it has been one of our weakest ever. We would have to raise $5,000 in the next few days just to get to the…
The Value of Consortiumnews
From Editor Robert Parry: Over the past two weeks, as the U.S. government lurched toward a war against Syria, the mainstream U.S. news media fell dutifully in line much as it did a decade ago over the invasion of Iraq. But…
Consortiumnews’ Future at Risk
From Editor Robert Parry: We’re hoping to wrap up our summer fund drive shortly after Labor Day, but we are less than 20 percent of the way toward our goal of $25,000. If you can, please help. The future of…
In Case You Missed…
Some of our special stories from July, focusing on the National Security Agency surveillance scandal, the deepening chaos in the Middle East, and the American Right’s growing hostility to science and history.