Category: Commentary

Craig Murray: Fascistic Judges

The jailing of three U.K. climate activists should provide another warning to anyone expecting judges to defend liberties. The current legal establishment will adapt itself to whatever legal framework is ordained by the rulers.

WATCH: The CIA and Julian Assange

Assange lawyer Jennifer Robinson told the Belmarsh Tribunal in Sydney the very C.I.A. that plotted to kill the WikiLeaks publisher also would have a major say in the conditions of his imprisonment if he is convicted in the U.S.

Caitlin Johnstone: Spreading War Fever in Australia

The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age just produced an immense example of conflict-of-interest journalism. A former prime minister called it “the most egregious and provocative news presentation” he had ever witnessed in over 50 years of public life.

Australia — Silent Collaborator Against Assange

Despite private and public requests for diplomatic assistance for the WikiLeaks publisher, Canberra’s policy — shown by FOI documents — has been one of complicit inactivity in the face of his persecution, reports Kellie Tranter.

PATRICK LAWRENCE: What Dan Ellsberg Means

The term “Fourth Estate” had taken on the dust of a neglected antique before the release of the Pentagon Papers. Afterwards it seemed possible to think again of the press as the independent pole of power required by a working democracy.