Category: Colonialism

AS’AD AbuKHALIL: The Revenge to Come

Thousands of Palestinians — and other Arabs — will be planning violent acts of revenge over Gaza. How far will Arab governments go in shielding U.S. and Israeli interests from their angry populations?

25 Years of Venezuelan Defiance

Some of the nations that have banded together to defend the U.N. Charter — particularly Russia and China — have provided Venezuela with alternatives to the U.S.-dominated financial and trade system, writes Vijay Prashad.

What Israel Faces at The Hague

South Africa’s petition to stop what it alleges is Israeli genocide in Gaza has begun on Thursday in the International Court of Justice. Gareth Porter reports.

Al-Aqsa Flood & the End of Partition

Hamas’ Oct. 7 operation laid waste to Israel’s belief that Palestinians can be siphoned off into Bantustans while the colonizing state enjoys peace and expansion, writes Tareq Baconi.

Tributes Pour in For John Pilger

From Jeremy Corbyn, WikiLeaks, Afshin Rattansi, Max Blumenthal, Jonathan Cook, Scott Ritter, Vijay Prashad, Glenn Greenwald, Tariq Ali, Matt Kennard, Roger Waters and more.