Category: CN Live!

WATCH: CN Live! — ‘Depleted Ukranium’

John Pilger and Declassified UK’s Phil Miller join CN Live! to discuss depleted uranium shells for an offensive Ukraine and the West knows will fail. Will DU be used just to poison ethnic Russians in Donbass?

WATCH: Assange Belmarsh Tribunal in Sydney

UPDATE: Consortium News’ CN Live! broadcasted the Belmarsh Tribunal live from Sydney, Australia on Saturday. Among the speakers were Stella Assange, Yanis Varoufakis, Jennifer Robinson, John Kiriakou and David McBride. Watch the replay.

WATCH: Twitter Files & the Death of Russiagate

Matt Taibbi joins CN Live! to discuss the implications of his Twitter Files revelations, including his latest on Hamilton 68 and its fatal blow to the Russiagate narrative. With Chris Hedges and John Kiriakou. Watch the replay.

Fighting the ‘Psyopcracy’

It is a hard thing to combat because it’s not a physical enemy but rather messages that lodge themselves in millions of people’s minds. And it has come to rule over us.