Tension is soaring in the two insanely dangerous wars in Ukraine and the Mideast. We picked the brains of Ray McGovern, Scott Ritter and Ted Postol. Watch the replay.
Imprisoned whistleblower David McBride spoke to the Walkley Awards ceremony, Australia’s Pulitzers, in a nationally-televised address that was a challenge to the authorities who jailed him. Consortium News was there.
CN Live! speaks to author Anthony Hayward, producer Chris Martin, journalist David Boardman, and Tom Giles, head of ITV Current Affairs, about the films of legendary journalist John Pilger and their working relationships with him.
CN Live! previews the BRICS summit starting Tuesday in Kazan, Russia as Ukraine falters, the Mideast blows up and BRICS advances its alternate economic system. With Pepe Escobar, Scott Ritter and Mark Sleboda.
Prof. David Miller won a wrongful dismissal case after a British employment tribunal ruled that his “anti-Zionist beliefs qualified as a philosophical belief and as a protected characteristic” of the U.K.’s Equality Act. Watch the replay.
Craig Murray and Richard Medhurst join CN Live! to discuss Julian Assange’s appearance in Strasbourg and to lend their expert analysis to the blow up in the Middle East.
CN Live! speaks to Australian journalist Mary Kostakidis and attorney Marjorie Cohn about Julian Assange’s appearance before the Council of Europe today. Watch the replay.
Scott Ritter, former weapons inspector, intelligence officer, author and journalist, and Gerald Celente, publisher of Trends Journal, discuss Saturday’s major anti-war rally in Kingston, N.Y. with CN‘s Joe Lauria.