Category: Climate Change

COP27: A Global COP-Out

“A suicide pact.” Robert Sandford skewers the latest U.N. climate summit, held last month in Egypt, and calls for a new process protected from the global fossil fuel cartel. 

China to Run UN Biodiversity Conference

This is the first time that Beijing has presided over a major intergovernmental meeting on the environment and wildlife ecologist Vanessa Hull is eager to see the country step into a global leadership role.

COP27: Klein Calls for Boycott of COP28

The author’s salvo follows a gathering at which activists were harassed, surveilled and sidelined by Egypt’s authoritarian government as lobbyists from Exxon, Chevron and other fossil fuel giants swarmed the venue. 

An Economist for the Whole Earth

Without greater equality, Herman Daly, the pioneer of ecological economics, helped us understand that the environment has no real shot at renewal, writes Sam Pizzigati.

COP27: Show Marginalized Countries the Money

Globally, as much as $3.8 trillion must be invested every year to hold back global warming, write Peter Schlosser and Michael Dorsey. For comparison, the IMF says $5.9 trillion was spent on fossil-fuel subsidies, in total, in 2020.