Category: Biden Administration

China & the Axis of the Sanctioned

The decline in U.S. diplomatic influence in the Middle East reflects not just Chinese initiatives, writes Juan Cole, but Washington’s incompetence, arrogance and double-dealing over three decades in the region. 

Austerity & a New Cold War With China

Vijay Prashad says the expanding IMF-driven debt crisis, which has converted the idea of “financing for development” into “financing for debt servicing,” bears watching while China waives debt to 17 African nations. 

US Values, Verities & Global Failure

Two words — democracy and autocracy — have received a new birth in the West as the U.S. embraces the idea of a Cold War sequel, says Michael Brenner. The implications are profound. 

A Year Since Shireen Abu Akleh’s Killing

Justice for the Al Jazeera journalist — so far delayed — would serve press freedom in the occupied territories, where at least 20 journalists have been killed by Israeli forces in the last two decades.