Category: Biden Administration

Rich Countries Skimp on Famine Relief

A U.N. pledging event fell far short of the $7 billion sought for the Horn of Africa where more than 23.5 million people are currently suffering from hunger brought on by one of the worst droughts in recent history.

G7 Should Be Shut Down

This is an undemocratic body that uses its historical power to impose its narrow interests on a world that is in the grip of a range of more pressing dilemmas. writes Vijay Prashad. 

The Quest to Expose US Torture

With each passing year, more details emerge about Washington’s torture programs, writes Karen J. Greenberg. But much remains hidden as Congress and U.S. policymakers refuse to address the wrongdoing.

The War in Ukraine Was Provoked

The Biden administration’s insistence on NATO enlargement has made Ukraine a victim of misconceived and unachievable U.S. military aspirations, writes Jeffrey D. Sachs.