Category: Analysis

Meloni’s New ‘March on Rome’?

The Italian Republic was born from the ashes of Fascism, with the post-war constitution enshrining pluralism. Giorgia Meloni, nonetheless, got the majority of the vote, reports Attilio Moro.

The Other Side of the Berlin Wall

On the 33rd anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on Nov. 9, 1989, we look back on why the wall was built in this essay by the late William Blum, published on July 28, 2011 on Consortium News. 

SCOTT RITTER: Russia’s ‘Dirty Bomb’ Scare

Russia appears to be legitimately concerned about the possibility of Ukraine building and using a “dirty bomb,” so much so that it has taken the unprecedented step of reaching out to multiple senior Western defense authorities.

The Response NewsGuard Rejected

On June 2, Consortium News responded to NewsGuard’s allegation that CN was publishing “false content” on Ukraine, a response NewsGuard rejected when it gave CN its red mark.

WATCH: Time to End the War Now

CN Editor Joe Lauria speaks to Regis Tremblay about the need for compromise to end the war but why it will likely continue indefinitely, especially in light of the pipeline attack.

The Timing of the Pipeline Attack

The U.S. had already forced Germany to shut down Nord Stream 2 but there are signs that an end to the Ukraine war would have put it back online, writes Joe Lauria.