Despite the massive show of force off the waters of Israel, the Biden Administration is profoundly uneasy about any escalation of the conflict into a wider war, writes M.K. Bhadrakumar.
As Western politicians line up to cheer on Israel as it starves and bombs Gaza’s civilians, it’s important to understand how we reached this point – and what it means for the future, writes Jonathan Cook.
The premise of WINEP’s agenda was that successive U.S. administrations had paid too much attention to the Palestinian problem and to Arab public opinion, writes As’ad AbuKhalil.
The extremists now heading the Israeli government have made no secret of their plans to move even more forcefully against the Palestinians. It was and is a powder keg that has now exploded.
Fascism is always the bastard child of bankrupt liberalism. This was true in Weimar Germany. It was true in Italy. And it is true in the United States, writes Chris Hedges.
Israeli historian Ilan Pappé and journalist John Pilger joined CN Live! in July 2021 to discuss the Palestinian conflict and Pilger’s film Palestine Is Still the Issue, shown here in its entirety.
The origins of Israel’s intelligence failure on the Hamas attacks can be traced to the decision to rely on AI instead of the contrarian analysis born of the earlier intelligence failure of the 1973 Yom Kippur War.
History tells us where we are in the human story and what we, alive now, must do to advance this story. To tamper with history is among the gravest of sins against the human cause.
We must keep our wits about us while the Oversight Committee considers evidence on whether to impeach President Joe Biden, as the cognitive warfare warriors attempt to subvert reality, says Patrick Lawrence.