
WATCH: CN Live! — ‘Depleted Ukranium’

John Pilger and Declassified UK’s Phil Miller join CN Live! to discuss depleted uranium shells for an offensive Ukraine and the West knows will fail. Will DU be used just to poison ethnic Russians in Donbass?

Mexico Embraces Assange

Julian Assange’s father and brother ended a 48-day North American tour in Mexico City, getting the president’s support and a letter from Mexican MPs to Joe Biden demanding he drop the charges, reports Joe Lauria from Mexico.  

WATCH: Assange Rallies on Press Freedom Day

Assange supporters on Wednesday rallied in front of The Washington Post in D.C. and at NBC in New York, as in San Francisco, Sydney, India, and at the DOJ building to highlight the hypocrisy surrounding World Press Freedom Day. (7 videos)