COVID-19: Italy Becomes 53rd Nation to Call for Global Ceasefire During Pandemic


Italy on Monday became the 53rd nation to join a call by the UN secretary general for a ceasefire in all the world’s wars as the globe fights the Covid-19 pandemic.

Consortium News

Missing among the nations supporting a global ceasefire in the more than 40 wars being fought around the world are four of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council—Britain, China, Russia and the United States—who are among the world’s largest arms traders. All possess a nuclear weapons arsenal.  Only France among the P5 has called for the ceasefire.

This statement by the 53 nations listed supports an end to hostilities to help prevent the further spread of the pandemic, “the true fight of our lives,” according to Secretary General Antonio Guterres.

War, it seems, is the only part of “normal” life that continues.


20 comments for “COVID-19: Italy Becomes 53rd Nation to Call for Global Ceasefire During Pandemic

  1. April 1, 2020 at 18:38

    Would like to see how peoples whose nation-hood us not recognized can sign onto this statement. Many indigenous peoples are under attack and I am sure they would like to see an end to war. Does Palestine have a national seat somehow from which they could call for an end to the ongoing militarily gobbling up of their homes. And with regard to Venezuela, I wonder whether the UN recognizes the elected government which I am sure would support an end to war. If the UN is wishy-washy that might explain the absence of Venezuela from the list. Also missing probably for the same reason –Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras. And did the UN invite Cuba?

      April 1, 2020 at 18:45

      This list will updated by the end of the week, the UN’s chief spokesman told Consortium News. Palestine indeed can register its name on the list as a UN Observer State. All member states are invited to put their name on the list.

    • James Williamson
      April 2, 2020 at 10:10

      Well said.

  2. Steve Tailleur
    April 1, 2020 at 16:41

    I’ve got a feeling the Russia Head of State will sign that list…
    ………..telesurenglish (dot) net/news/Putin-Urges-G20-to-Lift-Sanctions-on-Goods-Due-to-COVID-19-20200326-0016 (dot) html

  3. Pradip saikia
    April 1, 2020 at 10:35

    A timely initiative. To be very frank devil of war lives in the USA. You visit Africa, middle East, Latin America and Europe and surely you will find the US supporting war lords with arms and logistics. The US is helpless before covid-19. They make and stockpile WMD and biobomb. None but the US has space army. Every corner of the earth is militarized. Moreover the NATO is the lethal military organization of the west is not decimated. If man killing man is stopped,Individual country will be able to invest more money on public healthcare.

  4. Pradip saikia
    April 1, 2020 at 10:31

    A timely initiative. To be very frank devil of war lives in the USA. You visit Africa, middle East, Latin America and Europe and surely the US supporting war lords with arms and logistics. The is helpless before covid-19. They make and stockpile WMD and biobomb. None but the US has space army. Every corner of the earth is militarized. Moreover the NATO is the lethal military organization of the west is not decimated. If man killing man is stopped. Individual country will be able to invest more money on public healthcare,if war is given a goodbye for ever.

  5. April 1, 2020 at 09:42

    We are all children of God and have the Cosmic Christ Conscious energy running through us and so the Children of God can stop fighting and stop this insanity once and for all .

    • Nathan Mulcahy
      April 2, 2020 at 09:27

      Only “Christ” Conscious energy? Let’s be more generous ….

    • James Williamson
      April 2, 2020 at 10:12

      Not without holding those who are responsible for all this bloodshed. ;)

  6. rosemerry
    March 31, 2020 at 16:33

    I wonder if all the nations knew of this. I cannot believe Venezuela would not support such a move.Surely China and Russia should be there, and even the disunited kingdom!

  7. Askiah Adam
    March 31, 2020 at 10:49

    Global peace! A dream come true.

  8. Antiwar7
    March 31, 2020 at 10:36

    Clearly, those other governments consider making war an “essential business”.

    • April 1, 2020 at 13:03

      nail on the head. shut down hundreds of thousands of restaurants… pennies you lose from them. Shut down Lockheed Martin… ooh baby that’s a lotta money you losing.

  9. Rupert
    March 31, 2020 at 04:58

    It is commendable and a very desirable thing these world without war expressions,yet, as the divine record reveals,at Psalms 46:8,9 it is our Grand Creator Jehovah who will permanently “bring an end to wars throughout the earth “.

  10. March 31, 2020 at 03:53

    In addition to this wonderful and long-overdue initiative, I would like to see the UN serve as a think tank where nations can share their best solutions to shared problems, in all areas of life from what to do with garbage, what works best in education, how to prevent homelessness, etc. In general, how to best care for your people, and end the death-grip of corporate powers that degrade human life for profit and control. When we see the great benefits of, for instance, Portugal changing their drug-offender policy from prisons to therapy, this is a policy to be copied. When we see inventions like garbage-burning furnaces that power a city and trap all pollution, eliminating the dumping into the environment, this should be adopted. It is time to share all our solutions as one global family!

    • James Williamson
      April 2, 2020 at 10:14

      It will never happen as long as the US continues to have control of the UN.

  11. March 30, 2020 at 22:47

    We must start an on line petition addressed to our government, and the POTUS and ask them to stop all American wars unconditionally!

  12. Heather
    March 30, 2020 at 20:39

    When will there ever be another opportunity like this to stop fighting and see what happens?

  13. Tony Kevin
    March 30, 2020 at 20:27

    I read a report of Putin supporting the call for a global ceasefire – also the Pope. First oats not correct . #ConsortiumNews to clarify please? Tony Kevin

      March 30, 2020 at 21:56

      Tony, Russia’s name does not appear on the list of nations who have formally backed the ceasefire call, which is what we are going on. We are not basing it on statements from leaders. Perhaps Putin’s instructions have not reached the UN yet. If it does we will update the story.

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