Month: May 2024

ICJ Orders Israel Stop Rafah Attack

The World Court on Friday ordered that Israel immediately halt its assault on the city of Rafah in Gaza after a request from South Africa, which brought genocide charges against Israel, reports Joe Lauria.

A Brutal Suppression of Speech

The increasingly common resort to diktats by U.S. authorities is a notable feature of contemporary American society — in all spheres, writes Michael Brenner.  

And the Crowd Roared

Scenes of jubilation outside the Royal Courts of Justice on Monday where Julian Assange staved off extradition and won the right to appeal. 

The Dead End of Liberal American Zionism

The dream of humanistic Zionism is collapsing, but — like other entrenched Jewish groups — J Street is desperate to keep the fantasy on life support, write Norman Solomon and Abba A. Solomon.