Patrick Lawrence writes that Joe Biden, a.k.a. “the Big Guy,” will be formally investigated on accumulating evidence he participated and benefited from his son Hunter’s years of manifestly criminal conniving.

AVOIDING THE HEAT: Hunter Biden speaking outside the Capitol on Wednesday instead of inside it behind closed doors as he was subpoenaed to do. (ABC screenshot/YouTube)
By Patrick Lawrence
Special to Consortium News
This is the third in Consortium News’ series on the congressional investigation into President Biden’s allegedly corrupt involvement in the business affairs of his son Hunter. Earlier reports can be read here and here.
It is now two and a half months since the House Oversight Committee opened hearings to consider the grounds for an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden for his increasingly apparent involvement in the extravagant corruption and influence-peddling schemes of his wayward son Hunter, his brother James, and other members of the Biden family.
The full House finally voted on this matter last Wednesday along strict party lines, 221 Republicans to 212 Democrats.
Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., a.k.a. “the Big Guy,” will now be formally investigated on accumulating evidence that he was a participant in and/or a beneficiary of Hunter’s years of manifestly criminal conniving while Pop was Barack Obama’s vice-president and during the post-veep interim before Joe moved into the White House.
The first two pieces in this Consortium News series on the impeachment proceedings can be read here and here. By the time we published the second of these we had concluded, “This is likely to prove a test of our troubled republic’s relationship with reality.”
So it shapes up to be.
‘No Evidence!’
Can Biden’s allies, the Democratic Party elite and the corporate media succeed as they attempt to persuade the public that open-and-shut, black-and-white evidence — paper trails, email trails, text-message trails, bank-records, the testimony of multiple witnesses, all of it perfectly clear — is not evidence? This is the project as formal proceedings begin.
“This whole thing is an extreme political stunt. It has no credibility, no legitimacy, and no integrity. It is a sideshow.” That is Jim McGovern, a Massachusetts Democrat, on the House floor last week.
“No credibility, legitimacy, or integrity”: Get used to these terms. We have heard them many times already and will hear them scores more in the months to come.
The White House appears to be in state of barely controlled panic. The Big Guy remains silent — as if, at this stage in the proceedings, he can simply ignore what is going on around him and it will all go away.
After the House vote was announced last Wednesday, A Fox News reporter asked Karine Jean–Pierre, the White House press secretary, about evidence that the president had lied about his involvement with Hunter’s businesses.
Biden’s not-quite-competent flak-catcher exploded: “But there’s no evidence. Wait, wait. There’s no evidence. There’s no evidence that the president has done wrongdoing [sic]. There’s none. Absolutely none. None. And that’s just a fact.” [Emphasis mine]
The New York Times story about Wednesday’s vote was subtitled: “Republicans are pushing forward with a formal investigation even though their yearlong scrutiny of the president and his family has turned up no evidence of high crimes or misdemeanors.” [Emphasis mine]
The subtitle to The Guardian’s article said: “Republicans have failed to produce evidence showing president financially benefited from family business dealings.” [Emphasis mine]
The definition of an incantation is a “recited formula of words designed to produce a particular effect.”
In the annals of propaganda, were there any such thing, this incessant repetition of patent untruths would merit many pages.
If “control of the narrative,” “perception management,” and media manipulation of public opinion triumph over in-plain-sight evidence of guilt admissible in a courtroom or a Senate trial, propaganda will have won “the battle for the human brain,” as a NATO paper put it a couple of years ago.
We will at that point live in a lawless society with no resort to a credible judiciary.
But I don’t see this as the outcome. The president’s chances of political survival appear to decline steadily as the case against him advances.
A Sop for Pop
This has been an unusually eventful interim as l’affaire Biden proceeds.
Six days before the House vote, the Justice Department unsealed a nine-count indictment charging Hunter Biden with tax evasion, failure to file returns, and “false or fraudulent” returns when he did file them during his dissolute, influence-peddling years, 2016 to 2019. Three of the violations are felonies.
In my read the new indictment is more of the same from David Weiss, the corrupt special counsel who has been protecting the Bidens for years: The document is full of rip-roaring language but makes no mention of Hunter’s violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which is the front door leading to Pop’s collaboration as Hunter sold vice-presidential access to the Ukrainians, the Chinese, the Kazakhs, and others.
It will be interesting nonetheless to see how this sop to demands for justice plays out. My prediction: The new indictment is Weiss’s groundwork for another excessively lenient plea bargain such as the one he fashioned last summer but failed to get past a conscientious judge.
The question is whether such a plan would withstand sharpening congressional scrutiny — or whether it would worsen the mess that now surrounds the Bidens and their allies.
The House Oversight Committee had subpoenaed Hunter Biden to sit for closed-door questioning by the time the grand jury indictments were made public. This session was scheduled for last Wednesday, hours before the House impeachment vote. Hunter is now threatened with a contempt of Congress citation for failing to appear.
The younger Biden instead gave a press conference in front of the Capitol during which he got two things done.
One, he altered the Biden regime’s story for the second time. As readers will recall, the president’s first claim — he never discussed Hunter’s business with him — evolved some time ago into, “The president was never in business with Hunter.” Last week Hunter had it this way: “Let me state as clearly as I can: My father was not financially involved in my business.”
If you net this out, it amounts to an implicit admission that Pop lied in his earlier versions of the Biden family story. It was on this point that a Fox News reporter sent Jean–Pierre into near hysterics last week.
Two, during his appearance at the Capitol with microphones before him like bouquets of flowers, Hunter Biden lapsed into the tinniest of Pop’s many public-relations ploys: He played the pity card by pimping his personal difficulties.
“They ridiculed my struggle with addiction; they belittled my recovery,” he complained of those running the impeachment proceedings. “And they have tried to dehumanize me — all to embarrass and damage my father, who has devoted his entire public life to service.”
I don’t see how much of this spaghetti will stick to the wall, but the tableau tells us something important. The Biden family will stay as far outside the corridors of justice as it can in coming months, avoiding hearings, courtrooms, and legal proceedings for the simple reason it cannot win in any such context.
I have not yet heard of a court of public opinion trumping a court of law, but, desperate as the Bidens are at this point, it seems the only strategy available to them.
As to the House vote last week, let us note: It did not decide to impeach Joe Biden and has not formally accused him of any crime or infraction. It voted solely to begin a formal investigation into the president’s alleged culpability. Should the House vote to impeach, it will send the result to the Senate, where a trial, if the upper chamber decided to hold one, would take place.
The Evidence
Neither did last Wednesday’s vote occasion revelation of significant new evidence. There is one exception to this. Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley, the IRS investigators who blew the whistle on the corrupt DoJ investigations when their findings were suppressed earlier this year, testified again last week and more explicitly implicated Joe Biden in his son’s bribery schemes.
Miranda Devine, The New York Post columnist who closely follows these events, published a good account of the latest Ziegler–Shapley testimony in the Post’s Dec. 13 editions.
While there is more to come, the House already has in hand very considerable email and text message archives, 36,000 pages of bank records, and 2,000 pages of the Treasury Department’s “suspicious activity reports,” which cover international bank transfers.
There is also testimony from Hunter’s business partners, federal agents, federal attorneys, and Mykola Zlochevsky, the chief executive of Burisma Holdings.
We will hear more of all this in months to come. The intent last week was simply to give the House formal authority to proceed with its investigation, subpoena witnesses, and reply to the legal challenges it anticipates from Biden and the rest of the Democratic elite.
At the same time, the House made clear those areas where it would focus its attention in months to come. These include what Hunter Biden and James Biden took in from their dealings with various foreign entities and where it went, the numerous occasions when Pop met with Hunter’s foreign partners, and — not to be missed — the extent to which the Biden White House and the Justice Department have to date obstructed or suppressed investigations conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Internal Revenue Service.
There is also the $10 million Biden père et fils allegedly took from Burisma in an even split, as described by Zlochevsky in several interviews with an F.B.I. informant, and a payment of $240,000 James made to his older brother – now the president – immediately after a Chinese equity investor paid Hunter several million dollars.
If the evidence of this latter payment proves out, it would have been the “10 percent for the Big Guy” noted in Hunter’s email messages. Biden’s attorneys are trying to pass this off as the repayment of loans, but as Ziegler testified last week in response to this assertion, “There was nothing to verify that they were loans.”
Hunter or Re-election?

OUT TO LUNCH: President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris heading to the motorcade to go pick up lunch, May 5, 2023. (White House/Adam Schultz)
One of the fallacies promoted by those given to endlessly insisting there is “no evidence!” incriminating Joe Biden, absolutely none, has it that there must be proof that he took money from Hunter as these various allegations indicate.
This is another dimension of the false narrative marshaled to protect the president. “Where’s the money?” Biden arrogantly asked when the alleged Burisma bribe was first made public.
It is a good question but not the only question. Confirmed evidence of such payments will certainly seal the case against Joe Biden, but it is not essential to a guilty finding. The law already stipulates that if family members make use of and benefit from a political figure’s position, the politician can be a beneficiary of criminal bribery and would in such a case stand guilty of the crime.
One lingering question to be watched in coming weeks is whether, as the Biden White House’s desperation mounts, the president will sacrifice his officially beloved son to his prospects for re-election come next November.
Even Democratic Party hacks such as Jerry Nadler and the insufferable Jamie Raskin, while insisting the president is clean, have begun to suggest that what were previously designated Hunter’s shenanigans now look more like crimes.
It is difficult to say whether Bidengate, lets call it, will divide the family in this way, but we cannot put this past a man whose service, as Hunter referred to it, has always been in his own interest.
Patrick Lawrence, a correspondent abroad for many years, chiefly for the International Herald Tribune, is a columnist, essayist, lecturer and author, most recently of Journalists and Their Shadows, available from Clarity Press or via Amazon. Other books include Time No Longer: Americans After the American Century. His Twitter account, @thefloutist, has been permanently censored.
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And, these meatheads are running this country? God help us!!!
Yes susan. Running it into the ground.
Why would anyone think for a moment that Biden was innocent? He is fundamentally dishonest, in everything he says or does, and doesn’t seem to care anymore whether people know or not.
The only time he tells the truth is by mistake!
This is perhaps more germane to Part II of this series, but I somehow missed it at the time, its locus being the political persecution of Mr Shokin via the ill wishes of J. Robinette Biden, VP. I did just re-read Parts 1 and 2, and was reminded of how soaked in rotgut remain Ukrainian political doings. Adding a dose of such a classic U.S. dirtbag pol like Biden & Son Inc serves merely to enhance the already prodigious stench of the malodorous concoction, a thing already gone wrong left to its native Ukrainian main ingredient.
I had been following some top notch Ukrainian journalists at the time this was all going down in 2016, and it was my first significant “pay-good-attention-to” plunge into Ukrainian politics, in a truly meaningful way, set as the intrigues were in the various post-Soviet Color Revolutions that had culminated—or so we thought—in Maidan Square in 2014.
What these two journalists were on and into was the story of the travesty occurring to Viktor Shokin, and in particular the man who replaced this venerable and venerated prosecutor, a man whose integrity was certainly important to his country. Especially important to those who needed just such a beacon while surrounded by such prolific corruption as a way of life. That he was so thoroughly manhandled by Joe and Hunter’s benefactors sadly remains another essentially forgotten episode in “The Ugly American” series whose rancid traces are still evident in the surviving memories and actions of the well-worn and aged commissars and padrones of the Cold War (1.0) wherever intrigue, murder, and corruption have been long-institutionalized. Both sides, that is. It is a smell that is never far off, this particular scent, especially with its 20th century overtones of genocide as a way of life.
Being apprised of Shokin’s replacement—and Poroshenko’s government was scrambling fast—led to career politician Yuriy Lutsenko, a man with a very checkered political past, including jailing and family intrigues all the way to German courts as well as U.S. ones.
The guy was up there in post-Soviet Ukrainian governments, sometimes in, sometimes out. But he was a player through it all, and this time was no exception as he replaced Shokin minus having any experience in the field. His background ostensibly was electrical engineering, such read his degree. So the Rada rammed through an exception for him to take over as prosecutor with no legal experience—outside of his own travails—and there died that era’s Ukrainian “anti-corruption efforts.” And “that was that.”
Like the ubiquitous WW II iconic meme, “Kilroy,” J. Robinette Biden, VP, was here.”
Postscript: You will find a bio for Mr Lutsenko on Wikipedia—including the year of his appointment as prosecutor. But you will find no mention therein about the circumstances of his appointment—nor any mention of Viktor Shokin.
As for Mr Shokin, the ever-objective and truthful Wikipedia reports thusly:
“Viktor Mykolayovych Shokin; born 4 November 1952)[2] is a former Prosecutor General of Ukraine. Having previously worked as an investigator for the Prosecutor General Office, he served as Prosecutor General for one year between 2015 and 2016.
Amid domestic and international pressure, he was removed from office by the Ukrainian Parliament in March 2016, a move welcomed by the European Union, the United States, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.
Shokin’s removal played a central role in the Biden–Ukraine conspiracy theory as it was falsely[3] claimed that then U.S. Vice President Joe Biden sought to thwart an investigation into Burisma, a company tied to his son, Hunter Biden, but Obama administration officials, European diplomats, and anti-corruption advocates in Ukraine say Shokin was removed because he failed to pursue Ukrainian politicians for corruption, and that they intervened before Biden did.[4][5][6] “
And State Dept. documents obtained by Just the News showed that State praised Shokin for his work combatting corruption. The tale that he himself was corrupt was a lie.
This is one of my favorite of Biden’s repetitious lies. In trashing Shokin, Biden always pretends that the desire to oust Shokin was a collective desire of the E.U. and our NATO ‘partners.’ But the evidence is that various E.U. governments had praised Shokin for taking on the formidable task of uncovering corruption in Ukraine. The House impeachment committee should invite Shokin to testify in Biden’s impeachment. It is also worth watching the video of Biden bragging about how he extorted the government of Ukraine into firing Shokin. Watch Biden’s body language as he spins the lie that Shokin was corrupt. At the end, he puts his hand on the guy next to him as he lies that ‘they put someone in his place who was rock solid.’ The fact is that the stooge Ukraine got to replace Shokin was not even a lawyer. His sole purpose was to halt the investigation of Burisma, and more to the point of Hunter and Joe Biden’s corruption. Our corrupt media never challenge Biden on his flimsy cover stories. No reporter ever asks how Hunter and James Biden were permitted to rake in millions from foreign sources for Joe Biden, Inc. While never registering as foreign agents under the FARA regulations. All of the Biden’s crimes are permitted to hide in plain sight by our lickspittle, propagandist fourth estate.
D Otness seems to have the story down pretty pat. Especially the paragraph before the last. I’m familiar with the story, watched interviews with Shokin, the fix was in on him. IMHO the entire Ukraine debacle has been reminiscent of a couple of wars the U.S. was involved in recently.
Like I said, you are entitled to your opinion.
Your favorite from above you state very well, I have a good one also, Biden on I believe live Sat morning program in a video played quite often giving his personal account of making the call that got Shokin fired, words to the effect, . . . I made the call and two hours later the SOB got fired. Seen it. He sounded very Nixonesque in fact.
I could defend Biden by bringing other republican president’s who were given the same treatment by the press. What is the point of such, the democrats were no different. All seemed to benefit greatly monetarily.
I refuse to engage in defending any of them, 4o-RR, 41-GHWB, 42-WC, 43-GWB, 44-BO, 45-DT or 46-JB.
I figured Americans would think they deserve much better representation. I guess not. I guess it’s like they say, America has the best government money can buy.
Thanks CN
As Joe indicates, Just The News has several pieces connected to this complicated Shokin story. We now know Shokin was doing his job, both via the State Department, and through testimony of Devon Archer that he had seized several properties of Zlochevsky, owner of Burisma Holdings. As part of schemes to take the heat off Zlochevsky–evidently Hunter’s main job on the executive board–this wasn’t going well, especially with the pressure on Poroshenko to prove that Ukraine was dealing with corruption. Running under the cover of various stories that Shokin and his staff were corrupt, Biden Sr. improvised and came up with the firing of Shokin for the 1 bn scheme. The following is helpful:
Re “The younger Biden instead gave a press conference in front of the Capitol during which he got two things done.
One, he altered the Biden regime’s story for the second time. As readers will recall, the president’s first claim — he never discussed Hunter’s business with him — evolved some time ago into, ‘The president was never in business with Hunter.’ Last week Hunter had it this way: ‘Let me state as clearly as I can: My father was not financially involved in my business’.”
“One lingering (rhetorical) question to be watched in coming weeks is whether” Junior running “the big guy’s” business is to be considered a logically & legally distinct proposition … worthy of investigative exposure?
At last! The Democrats have been running from this story since it first came to light, as if the fact that the son of the vice-president, overseeing US policy in Ukraine, was on the board of directors of one of Ukraine’s major energy companies (without needing to attend meetings) wasn’t unusual and not meriting journalistic, not to mention congressional inquiry.
A piece of evidence against the Biden trio that I look forward to seeing again, was a video clip of them arriving at the Beijing airport, stepping down from a plane with Hunter in the lead and brother James two steps behind. I seem to also remember a red carpet awaited them (or maybe that was just willful thinking). The clip was part of a longer exposure of Biden’s shady history that I saw on my computer well before the 2020 elections and which I expected to see used by the Trump campaign in their first competition and remain still surprised that it wasn’t.
The one constant here of late seems to be the growing divide in this country. A divide getting deeper, wider and apparently energetically driven by desperation boiling over the top of the masses in all sectors, except the “one percent”.
The democrats should have known, it is not as if there were no warnings. Better hang on tight!
I am left to often wonder if all the billions and trillions of $$$$$$$ U.S., had been spent to aid in a better life for all on the planet wouldn’t have relived us of the situation we now face.
Maybe it’s too far past, however giving Peace a chance seems to be a great option about now.
Sick and Tired, commenting here early today, Dec 18, 2023, points out a very troubling truth, no current viable political party is speaking truth to power about anything.
I see it as the direct result of all politicians, especially presidents and those in the congress, rationalizing their behaviors of pleasing the Deep State agenda, none of which contributes to solving the dilemma population of the planet, but does however substantially increase the size of their bank accounts.
Thanks CN
Everybody, knows, “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree;” and, imo, the fruit is beyond rotten!!! Hunter “Sportsman” Biden, @ the mic, reiterates, “a parasite cannot live alone.”
….Exhibit A-Z aka Henry Zhao (Mr. Z), ”I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. Tell the director that I would like to resolve this now before it gets out of hand; and, now, means tonight.” — Hunter “$portsman” Biden.
The “$portsman’s” defense: “Ya can’t prove the old man aka “The Big Guy” was actually sitting there.
“The “Public $ervant” nka POTUS, smirking, in public, asks, “Where’d the money go?”
Proving, once again, he who forgets his past, is f/lost!!! Five months after his V.P., gig ended, the “Public $ervant” nka POTUS aka “$cranton Joe” ponied up a cool $2.75M Dollars ($2,750,000.00) CA$H, for his FLOTUS’ Rehaboth Compound. It’s 2023, in 2021 the Dept. of Homeland $ecurity, copped for POTUS’ a “Taxpayer funded, $490,324.00 aka $500K, $ecurity wall” around his house; the Dr.’s Rehab by the Beach!
“Code Blue,” i.e., 1) POTUS Biden’s pseudonyms aka Code Names & E-Mail adds, robinware456@gmail(dot)com, JRBWare@gmail(dot)com, Robert L. Peters@pci(dot)gov. There’s proof, “Joey” Biden used all of ‘em (pseudonyms/ Code Names) during his time as V.P., 2) The Proof: It’s black & white! 82,000 pages of emails about Ukraine, Natural Gas, Burisma. 3) FOIA lawsuit, Southeastern Legal Foundation vs. NARA (Natl’ Archives & Records Administration), 4) NARA is to provide emails, for each account, for eight (8) years, 2009-2017.
Hence, Patrick Lawrence’s advice, about awareness, vision, the what & when; basically, advising, “be patient w/your drum, the night is long;” & the CLARITY, “As to the House vote last week, let us note, it did not decide to impeach Joe Biden and has not formally accused him of any crime or infraction. It voted solely to begin a formal investigation into the president’s culpability.”
Concluding, Patrick Lawrence’s “Impeachment: Biden Under Formal Investigation,” & follow-up reporting/writing/analyzing the collapse of the Biden crime family is forthcoming?!? YES!…..That’s GOLDEN!!!
Sincerely appreciated. TY! “Keep It Lit!”
“…paper trails, email trails, text-message trails, bank-records, the testimony of multiple witnesses…”
All it needs is Biden to declare “I am not a crook.”
It’s just as well. Only Donald J. Trump has the experience needed to guide America… through bankruptcy proceedings.
Brilliant, Gerry. It reads like well done haiku.
Genocide Biden is going to need an all out war so he may appear to be a “war president” to save his bought & paid for ass next November as his poll numbers are also against him.
No matter who becomes POTUS next November, it will still be more of the same old, same old for the 99%.
When he was looking for nomination & money from the parasite class, he made a promise to them that nothing fundamentally would change.
That was a promise he kept.
Fritz, you are right. It will be Iran, with another trumped up false flag. It’s the perfect war for Biden and Israel. I am one American who knows this country has never been “great” or a democracy.
Even skipping the 10%’s for the big guy and other direct evidence of participation, any other politician, any other time, and the legal beagles of the Dem party would be barking guilty as charged if a family member of a pol benefited from obviously politically motivated payoffs like Burisma etc.. But they say no evidence and expect all to support them. A better example of late empire is hard to envisage.
And grifter Joe is a perfect leader for the grift nation the USA has become: Wallstreet, banks, Mil-Ind Complex, etc. … if you don’t know what the con is, like 99% of us, you are the mark, laughing through our tears.
Americans who are capable of understanding what the Biden’s have actually done are a mere subset of the voting population. There are many people who never concern themselves with anything going on outside in the world around them. There are demoralized people who will believe anything that the press and government tell them is reality. Finally, there are committed Democrats who simply intend to win, by any means necessary. The latter are the Deep State.
You can count on the Democrats to lie about every aspect of the impeachment investigation. Self appointed ‘fact-checkers’ will be a major part of their disinformation campaign. WaPo and the NYT will steadily assert that there is no evidence of a crime having been committed by Joe Biden. The hope is that people will conclude that while the influence peddling of Hunter and James Biden, which was the business of selling access to Joe’s political powers, was somehow unethical, yet not quite illegal. This has been the Biden’s idea of a ‘Get out of jail free’ card, all along. The Bidens are all of a mind of, ‘So what. Everybody does it.’
But the Menendez case is eerily similar. Sen. Menendez has been caught accepting expensive gifts and cash from foreign interests who wanted access to Menendez’s Senate vote and powers as a Committee Chairman in the Senate. The access was sold through his wife. Their crimes are almost identical to what the Bidens have done. The difference is that Menendez is being prosecuted for these crimes while neither Hunter, James nor Joe Biden have ever been charged. One last intersection is that both Hunter Biden and Robert Menendez have the same defense attorney. Abbe David Lowell.
Honorable U.S. veteran Michael Flynn’s career and role in the Trump Administration was destroyed by the FBI and DOJ. He was prosecuted for failure to register as a foreign agent and nearly bankrupted and sent to prison by overzealous DOJ prosecutors as a proxy for harassing Trump. Flynn took no money from any foreign government. Unlike the Bidens, who likewise failed to register as foreign agents. No charge has been brought against any of the Bidens despite factual evidence that they represented foreign interests and were paid massive sums. Although none of the Bidens registered under FARA, the DOJ has never shown any interest in investigating what they have done. In fact, there is ample evidence that the DOJ has worked tirelessly to protect the Biden family from any legal jeopardy under FARA. And likewise to protect Hunter, James and Joe Biden from any legal scrutiny by the FBI, and the IRS.
This is where our legal system plainly demonstrates one set of rules for insiders and friends of the Deep State such as the Bidens, and another entirely different set of rules for those they perceive as outsiders or potential enemies of the Deep State. This kind of corruption was first hatched under the Obama Administration. It then reached a zenith with the Russia hoax and has been carried on without any restraint through the Biden Administration.
It is up to the Republican House majority through the impeachment of Joe Biden, to expose all of it, contain it and work to ensure substantive changes to the government so that it never is allowed to happen again.
That’s some deep partisan rabbit-hole you fell down there. This has been going on long before the Obama years, and it sure as hell isn’t just Democrats.
Maybe look in the mirror for partisanship, not to mention demoralization. The Deep State is the enforcement arm of the DNC. The massive lies and Psy-Ops, Russia Hoax, causes of the war in Ukraine are all strictly DNC led. There is plenty to criticize about Republicans too, but only the Democrats have made the FBI and DOJ their paid henchmen. This all started under Barack Obama and Joe Biden. And it has to end with Biden.
I’ll never deny the complicity of both parties for the current state-of-affairs. If I misread you, my apologies. I am neither a registered (D) or (R), hold both parties equally in contempt, so I just have a low tolerance for partisan tit-for-tat.
And James, not to miss the Biden media propaganda refrain of “there’s no evidence”
with the Biden/Israeli genocide one of “Israel has a right to defend itself.”
It was Josef Goebbels who observed that ‘a crowd will believe anything if it is repeated constantly.’ But it took our own dear CIA to elevate the disinformation technique from a mass audience to one of global domination and mastery. “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981) Once the press were corrupted to amplify the lies, we evolved from an age of information warfare to a totalitarian dystopia. The comic irony of our plight is that the designated liar in chief is not terribly bright nor even particularly adept at lying. That Biden lies constantly and endlessly about absolutely everything could not be more obvious. e.g. ‘Putin has already lost this war.’
Mr. White you are most definitely entitled to your opinion, which you so clearly exhibit here. I hope you, at the very least, feel better getting this off your chest.
I however have an opinion of my own about cause and effect, your refusal / inability to see this situation more clearly, places you firmly in the middle of the group who have become part of this problem instead of part of the solution. Please think about this.
By your opinion as expressed here you clearly are pitting one political party against the other. You seem driven and comfortable with being played by the system you describe above, the affect of which has been the ruination of American politics
Further in my opinion you seem blind to the fact the two party system is broken and the only actions either party engages in these days is pitting the public’s opinion against one side or the “other”. Clearly both parties have fallen into the clutches of the Deep State who in my opinion is ran by the international banking system and the people who control it. That annoying troubles some 1%.
Have you no vision sir or do you enjoy playing their game? I have to wonder when the stakes are so high.
Thanks CN
Fair questions Mr. Williamson Jr. There is plenty to critique about the Republican party as well. In addition, there is a Uniparty in Washington DC that is a permanent parasitic class.
The two party system is to some extent a reflection of the views of males and females in our society. People of both sexes have something worthwhile to offer in decisions of how our country should be led. We should want to be generous to other people around the world. But the open border that Joe Biden has created is anything but humane. It is a naked grab at changing the composition of our electorate under false pretenses. The open border has disrupted the functions of our society that government is charged with providing. It has created a public health emergency for purely political motivations. The out of control spending is a product of both parties, but where are the Democrats who want to do anything but create more ruinous debt? The most egregious aspect of Democrats in the government is the unequal treatment of people under the law. Our entire court system has been undermined by Democrat operatives and this is a threat to fabric of society itself. Just compare the sentencing of mostly peaceful protestors at the Jan. 6 event who received 30 year prison sentences while the Biden family are free to sell out our country to the highest bidder with no repercussions whatsoever. The most cowardly and insidious aspect of the present Regime are the promotion of endless wars that have produced millions of dead people.
Have you somehow missed these events Mr. Williamson Jr? The stakes could scarcely be higher. What game do you propose should be played to oppose these evil people? The least we can do is to call them out.
No Sir, I have not missed the truth about what has happened to this country, I have lived it!
I made the following statement first time years ago, maybe as early as the middle to late 1980’s, “If all the immigrants from across the border woke up one morning and grabbed clubs and rocks, they would own the country before sunset!”
I was being purposely over the top, a bit facetious and sarcastic, the reason being that I could not find a person who seemed genuinely concerned about the immigrant problem.
I traveled the state of Illinois from one end to the other from the early 1980’s, 1982 to early 2oo7 and talked to the public quite often. And I observed, professionally and as a private citizen, I’m a people watcher. By the middle 1990’s, as I saw it the issue was out of control.
So I hope you believe me when I tell you, especially from a layman’s point of view, I really don’t miss much.
Starting on you sixth line here, I feel you let your argument slide back to being totally partisan. I expected you to defend yourself more effectively but this is not what I see here. Far from it in fact.
That said, what I witness from your statements is your feelings that the Democrats are the soul blame for the current “Fix” we find ourselves in. This thought is obviously totally wrong and baseless.
With respect to democrats recognizing a serious problem and dealing with it they have been miserable failures, the very same can be accurately said of republicans. With respect to endless wars your account of who is responsible is you must be clueless. Sir I’m thinking you cannot deal with the truth honestly. I have to wonder why.
All that being said you have touched , however lightly, on a hot topic of mine, line number two, your reference to a “Uniparty” ( do you mean the aptly named Deep State?) “in Washington D.C. that is a permanent parasitic class.” Good call to a point. The group you speak of can be found in the halls of congress and throughout the “Swamp”. Members of BOTH parties who have sold their souls to the Deep State. Both horrendous creatures of greed and destruction. Figure it out my fiend!
You are engaged in revisionist history here and I’ll have none of it.
FYI, if those same illegals AND legals picked up clubs and rocks today they might own the country by 12 Noon. Ask yourself the real reason why. Could it possibly be because far too many Americans are disconnected from reality. The last sixteen lines of your fictional screed here are an indication you may be one of those, hopefully instead your response is an emotional disingenuous rant.
I hope you feel better but you will not be convincing many with arguments such as the one here.
Thanks CN.
Fabulous piece Mr. Lawrence.
Keep up the fight for truth!
Directly on point. Nothing bothers me more than the scripted response “there’s no evidence”. There is a large amount of circumstantial evidence indicating bribery, graft and influence peddling. However, there is no evidence whatsoever of an actual loan. No promissory note. No repayment plan. No original money transfer from Old Joe. Which one, bribe or a loan, is more likely to have a paper trail? This is through the looking glass next level propaganda.
Crusades, witch hunts. Looks like the US is living in mediaeval times.
You should also include conjuring, fallacious reasoning, selling indulgences, holy writ and excommunication by censoring the rights of others to speak their mind. It’s no surprise we fell into the mediaeval mindset. We were born out of it. The Civil Wars of England weren’t the product of a battle pitted for the victory of the Enlightenment. I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden pulls a Borgia and declares his son a saint for having not received way more money than he did. It’s the Borgia equivalent of having impregnated your own daughter six months earlier before then declaring her a virgin. Those are the times we are living in. And the media courtiers supporting the lies have six and seven figure salaries. No need for angels anymore when lying is a Heavenly recourse for the powerful.
Absolutely right fpi. That fits perfectly. Let’s not forget too, the “travelling entertainers” putting on performances like today’s politicians.
“No legitimacy, no integrity” sounds like genocide Joe’s
sending 2,000-pound bunker buster bombs so fellow
Zionist Netanyahu can continue the slaughter of innocents
in Gaza.
“Pop’s” influence in Ukrainian, neo-Nazi nationalists over
throwing a democratic president, Maidan 2014, and the “big guy’s”
bombing of Nord Stream II; living in “a lawless society” I’d say
since November, 1963.
Don’t like the Biden crooks? Whadda we gonna do? Vote R? The other amoral, geriatric a$$hole apparently has some legal troubles as well. What a freak show dystopia – you can’t make this stuff up.
The information provided by Mr.. Lawrence is a great example: The US has no democracy, it is clearly an abusive oligarchy run by a political class of criminal kakistocrats.
Meanwhile, the Bipartisan Consensus/Duopoly Dictatorship always have billions for wars, atrocities, and genocide. How many more billions shall we give to Israel to “bomb a concentration camp full of children” (Catilin Johnstone) ?
Pretty much sums it up. I generally try to not wish harm on folks, but admit to sometimes fantasizing that both presidential front runners would suffer strokes just debilitating enough to keep them out of the race and can’t be covered up.
Of course that leaves the huge problem of who steps up to the plate. The current crop of Repub contenders is pathetic to the point that only Chris Christie is making any sense, and I see few Dems able to step up to the plate.
All great powers rise and fall, almost always from internal corruption and rot. It won’t matter if the D faction or R faction control Congress or the WH, conditions will worsen- crumbling infrastructure, asset stripping, monopoly price-gouging, health insurance extortion, too big to fail (above the law) banksters, abuse of power, wars, genocide etc.
Much of the corruption has been institutionalized (Citizens United case), some of it is still illegal, but blind eyes are turned. The oligarchy has the politicians and judges in their back pockets, they are merely puppets. All of them should have corporate logos tattooed on their foreheads. Lockheed Martin, JP Morgan Chase, Exxon-Mobil, Raytheon etc.
chris christie?damn .