A Tumultuous and Dangerous Year


A new economic and diplomatic order is emerging in reaction to the escalation of the Ukrainian war.

(U.S. Staff Sgt. Eric McDonough, 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team)

Dear Reader,

2023 has been a tumultuous and dangerous year so far, with the painful birth of a world that is rejecting the decades-long dominance of the United States, which is poised to strike back. A new economic and diplomatic order is emerging in reaction to the escalation of the Ukrainian war.

The passing of influence in the Middle East from the U.S. to China and Russia is already seeing diplomatic breakthroughs, displacing the chaos Washington has sowed.

More and more presidents, parliaments and the public are rallying to rescue Julian Assange from prison, as well to save their right to free expression.

Consortium News has been there, chronicling it day by day, with a perspective nowhere to be found in the mainstream. As we’ve said before, the Establishment rather hates us and has made numerous efforts to derail us, but we are still standing and growing stronger.

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