Scott Ritter: The Best Speech I Never Gave


“I once was corrupted by the hatred that comes from fear generated by  ignorance.” The author offers a text of a speech he wrote, but will not be giving at the Feb. 19 antiwar rally in Washington.

Looking across reflecting pool toward Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., 2021. (Slinkyw, CC0, Wikimedia Commons)

By Scott Ritter
Scott Ritter Extra

Note: I was going to speak at the Rage against the War Machine rally, scheduled for Feb. 19 at the Lincoln Memorial, in Washington, D.C. For personal reasons, I will no longer be speaking.

In short, I have decided to take one for the team.

I wish all participants and attendees at this rally to have a very successful event, and hope that it can serve as the start of something even bigger down the road.

This is the speech I was planning to deliver at the rally. I think it would have done the event proud. [Ritter had been invited, then disinvited and then after pressure re-invited before declining to take part.]

Thank you very much for allowing me the opportunity to address you today.

I speak to you from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, a place of history filled with gravitas worthy of the task we have set for ourselves at this time in our collective history: to stand up — no, to rage — against a war machine that has perverted the very definition of what it means to be an American.

We stand here today at the very nexus of this war machine. To our right, just over the Potomac River, lies the Pentagon, a structure built at a time when America called upon its collective might to defeat the scourge of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, but which has since then morphed into the very symbol of evil itself, a breeding ground for weapons and plans that are used by the other partners, in what has become known as the military-industrial complex, to spread malfeasance around a world we once protected, but now enslave through a process of perpetual conflict used to sustain the American war machine.

And who are these other partners? Before us, past the monument to our founding father, George Washington, stands the Capitol of the United States, where the people’s representatives fund, in great secrecy, the nefarious schemes cooked up in the bowels of the Pentagon.

Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on the Defense Department’s fiscal year 2023 budget request, April 7. (DoD, Lisa Ferdinando)

And to our left stands the White House, the seat of executive authority, where individuals we invest with singular authority betray the trust of those who put them there by conceiving and implementing policies designed to further the Pentagon’s war efforts.

This is the very nexus of evil, an unholy trinity of terroristic madness, which some 61 years ago Dwight D. Eisenhower, an American warrior turned political leader, warned the American people about, cautioning that “in the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”

In the history of the United States that has transpired since that speech, no truer words have been spoken by an American president, and no greater wisdom has been disregarded by those whom Eisenhower entrusted with that message — we, the people of the United States.

We stand here today to announce to this terrible trinity, this military-industrial complex, this war machine, that we hear you now, President Eisenhower — we hear you, and we will act on your warning to bring this nexus of un-American conspiracy to an end.

In his farewell address, President Dwight D. Eisenhower famously warned U.S. citizens about the “military–industrial complex.” (Elton Lord & Minesweeper; Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, Public domain, Wikimedia Commons)

Of all the weapons produced by the military-industrial complex, of all the evil schemes hatched in the minds of the so-called national security experts — most of whom are unelected by, and unknown to, we, the American people — none reek of madness more than nuclear weapons.

“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds,” the father of the American atomic bomb, Robert Oppenheimer, said at the time of the first American nuclear test.

Destroyer of worlds.

This is the ever-present reality that we all live in today — that from this nexus of evil we call the military-industrial complex comes the very weapons necessary to bring the words of the Hindu sacred text that Oppenheimer quoted — the Bhagavad-Gita — to life and, in doing so, bring about our collective deaths.

Most Americans, including many of you assembled here today, live in blissful ignorance of just how close the world has come to being destroyed by Oppenheimer’s progeny.

On Sept. 26, 1983, a Soviet Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Petrov, was on duty at a nuclear early-warning station when the system reported that five nuclear armed missiles had been launched from the United States. Colonel Petrov disregarded protocol requiring him to report this detection as a factual launch, an act that would have triggered a Soviet response, and in doing so bought precious time for the error to be identified, and nuclear war averted.

[Related: A Close Call on Doomsday]

In November 1983 the United States and NATO carried out a command post exercise code-named “Able Archer 83” which tested the launch control procedures for the release of NATO nuclear weapons against Soviet and Warsaw Pact targets. The Soviets, believing this exercise to be a cover for a first strike, placed its nuclear forces on high alert. Later, the C.I.A. assessed that the Able Archer 83 exercise brought the U.S. and Soviets closer to nuclear conflict than any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962.

The relative ranges Soviet missiles and bombers — the Il-28, SS-4 and SS-5 — based on Cuba in nautical miles. (Defense Intelligence Agency, Wikimedia Commons)

And on Jan. 25, 1995, the Soviets detected the launch of a Norwegian atmospheric test rocket that mimicked the track of a U.S. Nay Trident submarine-launched nuclear weapon.  Fearing a high-altitude nuclear attack that could blind Russian radar, Russian nuclear forces went on high alert, and the “nuclear briefcase” was delivered to Russian President Boris Yeltsin, who had to make a split-second decision whether to launch a retaliatory nuclear strike against the United States.

These three incidents underscore the razor’s edge we all walk daily when it comes to living in a world where nuclear weapons exist. One mistake, one error or judgement, and the Bhagavad-Gita becomes reality.

We were saved from the inevitability of our collective demise by one thing, and one thing only — arms control. The deployment into Europe by both the U.S. and Soviet Union of intermediate-range nuclear armed missiles in the 1980s only increased the possibility of a mistake or misunderstanding that could trigger a nuclear conflict.

The fact that these weapons could reach their respective target in five minutes or less once launched meant that the 30–40-minute buffer of time that existed regarding the use of strategic nuclear forces was no longer there.

To put it more starkly, if it were not for the implementation of the intermediate nuclear forces treaty in 1988 that eliminated these new and dangerous weapons, the January 25, 1995 atmospheric rocket incident would have more than likely resulted in a general nuclear war, simply for the fact that Boris Yeltsin would have been denied the luxury of time to decide not to launch his missiles.

Everyone standing here today should reflect on this statement and say a quiet word of thanks to those men and women, American and Soviet alike, who made the intermediate nuclear forces treaty a reality and, in doing so, literally saved the world from nuclear destruction.

Scott Ritter will discuss this speech and answer audience questions on Episode 44 of Ask the Inspector.
Arms control, however, is no longer part of the U.S.-Russian dialogue. The American war machine has conspired to denigrate the notion of mutually beneficial disarmament in the minds of the American public, instead seeking to use arms control as a mechanism to achieve unilateral strategic advantage.

When an arms control treaty becomes inconvenient to the objective of American global domination, then the war machine simply quits. America’s record in this regard is damnable — the anti-ballistic missile treaty, the intermediate nuclear forces treaty, the open-skies treaty — all relegated to the trash bin of history in the cause of seeking unilateral advantage for the American war machine.

U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev signing the INF Treaty in the White House in 1987. (White House Photographic Office – National Archives and Records Administration, Wikimedia Commons)

In a world without arms control, we will once again be confronted with a renewed arms race where each side develops weapons that protect nothing while threatening everything. Without arms control, we will return to a time where living on the edge of the abyss of imminent nuclear annihilation was the norm, not the exception.

The war machine has allowed the principled position of peaceful coexistence regulated by mutually beneficial treaties governed by the time-tested maxim of trust-but-verify to be replaced by a new posture defined by a war machine that uses the nuclear weapons establishment, and the billions of dollars it costs to maintain it annually, as a means of buying off politicians at the expense of the population our government is sworn to protect.

This is the final corruption of the military-industrial complex — its conversion to the military-industrial-congressional complex, where we the people are excluded from every consideration, whether it be funding or consequence.

The key to sustaining this inherently un-American mechanism is the ability of the military-industrial-congressional complex — the war machine — to generate fear amongst the American people derived from ignorance of the true nature of the threat or threats these nuclear weapons are designed to address.

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In the case of U.S.-Russian relations, this fear is produced by systemic Russophobia imposed on the American public by a war machine and its compliant minions in the mainstream media. Left to its own device, the collusion between government and media will only further reinforce ignorance-based fear through a process of dehumanizing Russia and the Russian people in the eyes of the American public, until we have become desensitized to the lies and distortions, accepting at face value anything negative said about Russia.

It is here, in such a situation, that we can turn to scripture, John 8:32, for some guidance: “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”   

But what truth? The truth as told by the government? As promulgated by the mainstream media? That is no truth, but rather a bodyguard of lies constructed on behalf of a war machine that wants every American to accept without question the legitimacy of weapons the only known utility of which is the destruction of all mankind.

Some 60 years ago, on these very steps, in this very place, a man of peace gave a speech that captured the imagination of the nation and the world, searing into our collective hearts and minds the words, “I have a dream.”

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. making his “I Have a Dream” speech during the March on Washington in 1963. (U.S. National Archives)

Dr. Martin Luther King’s historic address confronted America’s sordid history of slavery, and the inhumanity and injustice of racial segregation. In it, he dreamed “that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

All men are created equal.

These words resonated in the context of America’s desperate internal struggle with the legacy of slavery and racial injustice.

But these words apply equally, especially when taken in the context that we are all God’s children, black, white, rich, poor.



You see, I too have a dream.

That the audience gathered here today can find a way to overcome the ignorance-based fears generated by the disease of Russophobia, to open our minds and our hearts to accept the Russian people as fellow human beings deserving of the same compassion and consideration as our fellow Americans — as all humankind.

I too have a dream.

That we the people of the United States of America, can unite in common cause with the Russian people to build bridges of peace that facilitate an exchange of ideas, open minds closed by the hate-filled rhetoric of Russophobia that is promulgated by the war machine and its allies, and allow the love we have for ourselves to manifest itself into love and respect for our fellow man.

Especially those who live in Russia.

Newton’s Third Law, that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, applies to the human condition every bit as much as it applies to the physical world.

Love thy neighbor as thyself is applicable to all humanity.

I too have a dream.

That by overcoming the hate generated by systemic Russophobia we can work with our fellow human beings in Russia to create communities of compassion that, when united, make a world filled with nuclear weapons undesirable, and policies built on the principles of mutually beneficial arms control second nature.

I too have a dream.

That one day, whether on the red hills of Georgia, or the black soil of the Kuban, the sons and daughters of the men and women who today operate the Russian and American nuclear arsenals will be able to quote Dr. King, “to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.”

This is not an impossible dream.

I have lived it. I once was corrupted by the hatred that comes from fear generated by the ignorance about the reality of those whom I was trained to kill.

But I then embarked on a remarkable journey of discovery, facilitated by the implementation of the very same intermediate nuclear forces treaty that ended up saving humanity from nuclear annihilation, where I came to know the Russian people not as enemy, but as friend. Not as opponent, but colleague.

As fellow humans capable of the same emotions as myself, imbued with the same human desire to build a better world for themselves and their loved ones, a world free of the tyranny of nuclear weapons.

[Related: SCOTT RITTER: Sometimes Humanity Gets it Right]

I too have a dream.

That the people gathered here today will join me on a new journey of discovery, one that tears down the walls of ignorance and fear constructed by the war machine, walls designed to separate us from our fellow human beings in Russia, and instead builds bridges that connect us to those we have been conditioned to hate, but now—for the sake of ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren—must learn to love.

This will not be an easy journey, but it is one worth taking.

This is my journey, your journey, our journey, where we will embark, literally, down the road less travelled.

And yes, it will the one that will make all the difference.

It will take us, as Dr. King once cried out from these very steps, to the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire, the mighty mountains of New York, the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania, the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado, the curvaceous slopes of California…to every hill and molehill of Mississippi.

This is an American journey — a journey of Americans, united in the cause of peace and justice, and a world free from the tyranny of nuclear weapons. Our numbers will grow, from two thousand, to twenty thousand, from twenty thousand to a hundred thousand, and from a hundred thousand to a million or more.

And who knows? Maybe in June of 2024, on the anniversary of the 1982 gathering of a million people in New York City’s Central Park, where they rallied in favor of nuclear disarmament and an end to the nuclear arms race, we can come together and send a similar message to the war machine.

A million people or more demanding that their government act in a manner that preserves and protects the lives and future of all Americans—of all humanity.

The 1982 rally set in motion events that led to the implementation of the intermediate nuclear forces treaty in 1987—a treaty that literally saved the world from nuclear destruction.

I too have a dream.

That together, we can harness the same energy, the same vision, the same passion as those who have gone before us and create a movement of people united in the principles of peace that will lead to a future arms control agreement between the United States and Russia that will preserve our collective futures.

There will be forces that will try to disrupt us, to dissuade us—to destroy us.

We cannot allow ourselves to be intimidated.

We must not go gently into that good night, but instead rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Rage, rage against the war machine.

Rage, rage so that together we may breathe life into the words of President Lincoln inscribed on the memorial behind me:

“…to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

Let us get to work.

Scott Ritter is a former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union implementing arms control treaties, in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm and in Iraq overseeing the disarmament of WMD. His most recent book is Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika, published by Clarity Press.

This article is from Scott Ritter Extra

The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Consortium News.

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23 comments for “Scott Ritter: The Best Speech I Never Gave

  1. Eileen McGlynn
    February 17, 2023 at 10:46

    All I can say is to Rage against the self-blinded Code Pink characters and man up Medea and she should actually read Ritter’s speech at the rally. Reminds me of the Pilgrim descendants banning some 52 years ago the Mashpee Wampanoag Indians from delivering a speech citing all the true historic ills that came from the Mayflower ship arrival to their relatives for a few hundred years. The White colonists censored the speech fifty two years ago on Thanksgiving Day hypocrisy. During Pandemic, about two years ago the still living family members of that Wampanoag elder were scheduled to read his now unread fifty year old speech….As always, thank you Mr. Ritter.

  2. Dr. Hujjathullah M.H.B. Sahib
    February 15, 2023 at 22:55

    Shuddering to read that it was unbelievably an atypical sober decision by the ever Vodka-drunk Yeltsin that saved the world from a doomsday nuclear exchanges in 1995. No wonder America continued with ignoring other bilateral arms control protocols till Trump peaked that unhealthy trend by unilaterally ditching even the multi-lateral JCPOA ! Given this amazing record of “drunk” security guarantees and “unholy” deal breaks would any fresh deal-making be rational, responsible, plausible even when it still remains meaninglessly possible. Remember, Russian leaders are on record stating that there are no American leaders left today worth trusting and dealing with.

  3. CaseyG
    February 15, 2023 at 22:39

    If nations spent money and time on the People and spent nothing on war—then this planet, Earth, might be able to last for millions of years. Besides killing lots of people, what does war really do?

  4. February 15, 2023 at 13:36

    What controversial problem happened that caused Mr. Ritter, to be “disinvited and then after pressure re-invited before declining to take part)? It’s important that people know what is going on as so many things today are literally upside down and inside out.
    I am referring to the partnering between management and unions nationwide, where they have set into motion a plan to agree to break existing contracts (between these parties) to undermine traditional and necessary negotiations. Chaos, appears now to be the method of operating, which will backfire; when trust on the part of the betrayed side (employees) is later called upon. Now such trust has hollowed out any future chance,

  5. robert e williamson jr
    February 15, 2023 at 12:12

    Thanks Scott for sharing.

    Nothing is sweeter these days than the voice of reason.

    Rave On!

  6. Drew Hunkins
    February 15, 2023 at 10:49

    Michael Tracey’s was tweeting last night that it’s not truly an anti-war rally bc some of the speakers support Russia’s “invasion.” Therefore they can’t be genuinely anti-war.

    The trouble with this argument is that Tracey’s definition of anti-war likely means World War 3 and a nuclear holocaust. And it certainly means a GAE totally surrounding Russia and tens of thousands of more dead ethnic Russian civilians in the Donbas.

    Russia had no choice but to embark on its liberating SMO. It bent over backwards trying to reach a diplomatic agreement (anti-war) but was blatantly and admittedly stabbed in the back by France, Germany, UK and the Washington-Zio-militarist empire builders.

    The Rage against the War Machine rally is exactly that — it’s a demonstration against the biggest global hegemon that’s ever walked the face of the earth.

    Being anti-war starts with confronting the biggest purveyor of war & destruction across the world.

  7. Larry Gates
    February 15, 2023 at 09:00

    What does “take one for the team” mean?
    Excellent speech. Could someone else read it at the rally?

    • February 16, 2023 at 00:46

      Scott’s analysis of the origins and likely outcome of the Ukraine conflict runs contrary to the Washington and MSM narrative. So I suspect that what he means by “take one for the team” is that he’s bowing out so as not to give would-be participants who can’t abide his presence a reason to boycott the rally. Just my conjecture.

  8. Larry McGovern
    February 15, 2023 at 08:36

    I suggest that one of the scheduled speechmakers simply scratch his or her speech, and – with Scott Ritter’s permission and giving credit, of course – give his instead. LOUD and CLEAR!!!

    • Em
      February 16, 2023 at 09:23

      If Scott has elected not to speak in-person, someone must give his speech, on behalf of all of humanity, before it IS

      literally too late.

      This “Rage against the War Machine rally ” is THE priority before all other “special interest groups” concerns!

      Without life on planet Earth….

  9. Jeff Harrison
    February 15, 2023 at 00:03

    Bravo, Mr. Ritter. That would, indeed, have been a great speech. I am put in mind of Zhou En Lai’s 5 principles for peaceful coexistence. Also delivered in a speech. Does anyone listen?

  10. Jon McCoy
    February 14, 2023 at 23:46

    I should attempt to e-mail Scott…I guess what I’m thinking of here is how, exactly, do we unite in common cause with our fellow citizens in Russia? Or to create communities of compassion in conjunction with the folks in Russia? I don’t mean to sound dense here, but it can be difficult to actually implement these ideas and breathe life into them, so to speak. It’s a little like the World Socialist Website…they’re always talking about forming rank and file committees, for instance. I know it’s not rocket science to get some people together and then to form a rank and file committee. But what are the things the rank and file committee has to do in order to change society? I totally support the upcoming rally in DC and I wish I could be there but currently don’t have the time available or the money in order to attend. I think it’s awesome and God bless everyone who attends, but there were millions of us who marched 20 years ago this month prior to the second Gulf War. I know I sound defeatist here, but what was accomplished aside from the display of solidarity? Sure it’s better than nothing, but was anything changed? Was anything prevented?
    I keep thinking there’s a paradigm out there but we haven’t quite grasped it yet. Perhaps something similar to the Occupy movement, but this time it sticks. It catches on somehow and attains critical mass. But what is it, exactly?
    Sorry for sounding like a loon but these are some of my thoughts after reading this excellent speech by Scott.

    • Valerie
      February 15, 2023 at 08:55

      I don’t think you are defeatist; it’s more like realistic, which is my stance. Or perhaps stoic. All those millions of people didn’t change a thing. Some people call for total non-cooperation and strikes. But you’re right. How do we coordinate anything powerful enough to break down the barriers of inertia, acceptance and compliance within the masses, which will affect the PTB.

    • vinnieoh
      February 15, 2023 at 13:10


      Addressing the questions in your last paragraph: time and events have shaped the US (and most of the European “west”) into a culture almost singularly revolving around money. (Believing) that is so, I’d come to expect that only a financial appeal – profit and loss, budgeting, pork-barreling and waste – could generate enough common cause to build the critical mass that is necessary. Are all issues (in this culture) reducible to only pocketbook issues? The neglect by our government(s) of the needs for dependable infrastructure, health care, and environmental responsibility strikes closer and closer to our homes every day. That brings to the fore another truism: “All politics is local.” I don’ know if I’m making any sense – maybe my oxygen hose is kinked; but I won’t try to explain any further than that.

  11. Cynic
    February 14, 2023 at 22:50

    Very good speech that sadly may not be actually given, however this speech deserves to be heard by millions starting especially in the United States of America, and thereafter with the world witnessing those it had touched there in America, heard by the rest of the world. For the world needs to know that Americans not only do not support their current suicidal and homicidal leaders, but condemns such exceptional acts of violence which tramples upon the rights of others even to just live. That precious sliver of hope is the only thing preventing this planet from total destruction. May the Lord continues to guide you and strengthen you in our common pursuit of peace, Mr Ritter.

  12. Drew Hunkins
    February 14, 2023 at 19:16

    Who the heck disinvited him?

    • Markus
      February 15, 2023 at 19:28

      Several people claiming to represent the Libertarian Party harassed Scott Ritter on his YT shows spamming the chat with “Stay away”. The Libertarian Party seems to be full of pro-Ukraine Russophobic war lovers who are not against war, only World War III and war carried out by countries outside the Western Empire.

      • Drew Hunkins
        February 16, 2023 at 10:29

        Thank you for the info. Much appreciated.

  13. mgr
    February 14, 2023 at 19:11

    Thank you, very well said. That is the heart of it. A dream worth having. We’re all just ordinary people striving to live together on “spaceship earth.”

  14. Jimm
    February 14, 2023 at 19:11

    If indeed, respect is the ultimate currency, then Scott Ritter is a very wealthy man. Many, many thanks Scott.

  15. February 14, 2023 at 16:58

    Thanks Scott, spot on. Wish you had given the speech. Hope lots of people read it here.

  16. S. Fichtenhuegel
    February 14, 2023 at 16:55

    Lament not what is lost.
    Cherish what we may gain.

    My utmost respect for these sobering yet enlightening words.

  17. YesXorNo
    February 14, 2023 at 16:50

    Mr. Ritter,

    Yes, this is a great speech. Its message is plain and universal.

    Thank you, Consortium News, for publishing it.

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