CN Launches Spring Fund Drive as PayPal Shuts Down CN


Please donate to Consortium News during our Spring Fund Drive, launching today, as the walls of censorship close in on a free press.


Consortium News, founded in 1995 by the late investigative reporter Robert Parry, is today launching its 2022 Spring Fund Drive as its reporting on the war in Ukraine is coming under attack.

Consortium News has over years made its mark with fearless reporting on the 1980 October Surprise; the program of psychological manipulation of the American people beginning in the Reagan administration; the false premises for the disastrous 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq; the 2014 coup in Ukraine and the influence of neo-Nazism; the fake Russiagate scandal; the Julian Assange case and lately on the war in Ukraine.

Over those years Consortium News editors and writers have become accustomed to being smeared as stooges and puppets for exercising their own editorial judgement free from any outside influence. To quell our critics we are seeking an independent auditor to prove that Consortium News does not take a penny from any government, corporation or advertiser. 

The stakes are now higher than ever. It is one thing to be called names. It is another to have one of our most important vehicles for donations to be shut down, as PayPal has just done. We were given no reason beyond being a “security risk.”

But PayPal’s rules prohibit providing “false, inaccurate or misleading information” to PayPal, other PayPal customers “or third parties.” If this is indeed the reason why we were shut down, we are being punished for publishing factual information and analysis that challenges the dominant narrative on Ukraine. 

We can’t let them win. We can’t let them defund us. We need you, the readers, more than ever to show that you stand up for an independent and free press.  We are working on new ways to donate to replace PayPal.  In the meantime, to donate by check or credit card please click on the red Donate button on the right or below. You can also make a one-off or monthly donation by clicking on our Patreon button.

Help Us Beat the Censors!

Donate to Consortium News

2022 Spring Fund Drive

Donate securely by credit card or check by clicking the red button:


20 comments for “CN Launches Spring Fund Drive as PayPal Shuts Down CN

  1. Tim K
    May 3, 2022 at 06:14

    Is there a PP contact via phone or email we can complain to?

      May 3, 2022 at 06:37


  2. doris
    May 2, 2022 at 22:11

    I just closed my PP account and will donate twice as much monthly with my debit card. If it comes to it, I’ll send cash in an envelope.
    Velcome to Amedika.

      May 3, 2022 at 03:20

      Thank you Doris.

  3. Timi Papas
    May 2, 2022 at 14:10

    Looks like they’re pulling out all the stops. Well, we’ll just have to work harder. I make tax-deductible contributions from my IRA to CN and other good 501(c)3 organizations, giving the US imperial war machine a few less tax dollars to wreck the world with.
    I have a Paypal account but never use it. Time to just cancel. But YOU keep on!
    PS: People should understand that contributions are tax-deductible only if (a) they have enough deductions to itemize on their 1040, or (b) they instruct their IRA company to make checks payable CN or other good 501(c)3 organizations . (The company holding my IRA mails the check(s) to me, then I mail them to CN or others. It takes a 57-cent postage stamp, but at this stage who’s counting!)

  4. evelync
    May 2, 2022 at 13:50

    Please, if you agree, add Noam Chomsky’s Ukraine Russia 4/28/22 interview:

    Finally, April 28th, 2022, he covers the history behind this catastrophe and includes much of what CN has tried so hard to share vs the delusions and hysteria of the MSM in a 1 our talk. He even critiques the mass hysteria.
    The best way to view/listen to this video – because there’s a voice over in Russian(?) – is to turn off the sound, speed up the video to 2x and read the closed captions – so that you can read what Chomsky is saying in about 28 minutes instead of 56 minutes.

    Chomsky confirms what most people on this website have been aware of certainly thanks to your articles going back to Robert Parry’s 2014-2017 revelations, perhaps Chomsky’s weight as a highly respected source will help cut through the hysteria that is behind PayPal’s hysterical reaction ….one can hope…..

  5. Leslie Trager
    May 2, 2022 at 12:25

    I hope you sue them. And I will contribute more.

    May 2, 2022 at 11:17

    Outrageous that Paypal has shut down CN account. I have gone to
    to support your excellent site.

      May 2, 2022 at 13:31

      Thank you!

    • Angelika Haeber
      May 2, 2022 at 14:19

      Outrageous is correct and it propelled me immediately to send my $250.00 to consortium news as well as to reread
      1984 by Orwell. I am so grateful that Consortium News is there for me.

  7. RS
    May 2, 2022 at 10:05

    I have your back, CC. I’ll start to donate more frequently.

  8. May 2, 2022 at 10:01

    I urge everyone to support the various alternatives that you read. Personally for me that is $15 a month divided up. Do what you can based on the free value you receive.

      May 2, 2022 at 11:44

      Thank you.

  9. jo6pac
    May 2, 2022 at 08:01

    Closed my pay not so much pal account and I’ll send a little your way by CC

  10. evelync
    May 2, 2022 at 07:52

    I cancelled my PayPal account when I read this.

    Can CN identify which supporters’ donations were sequestered by PayPal and told that their donations have been sequestered? Can they demand the money be replaced into their credit card account so they can withdraw it and perhaps use Apple Pay or Google Pay or send a check instead?
    Can they demand that their credit card company retrieve the funds. If there’s a fraudulent charge to one’s credit card, as you know, you can inform the CC company and they’ll reverse the charge after proving it was an imposter….does that method haven bearing in this case?

    Of course you’d need to consult a qualified attorney so you can proceed in a way that doesn’t jeopardize your interests…
    I’m not an attorney or knowledgeable about how to deal with such things…just wondering…

    I wonder if there’s a class action suit by your donors in there somewhere?

    • doris
      May 2, 2022 at 22:15

      Sounds like a great legal angle to me. They’ve outright stolen money from those who’ve donated to their chosen cause.

  11. Sadeeq
    May 2, 2022 at 04:52

    Very sad and even more outrageous.

  12. napier
    May 1, 2022 at 21:40

    This is insane. I’ll have to find a way to stop using Paypal now. Sickening.

  13. Ray Peterson
    May 1, 2022 at 18:17

    Only a matter of time before the blood-soaked American financial sector
    of its war industry attacks all truthful journalism, Julian Assange being the
    first taste of blood.

    • forceOfHabit
      May 2, 2022 at 11:20

      I think you’ve hit the nail on the head.

Comments are closed.