WATCH: Courage in Public Life


Former Australian news presenter Mary Kostakidis and Sister Susan Connelly speak about the courage of imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange and prosecuted Australian lawyer Bernard Collaery.

The face of Australian TV news for 20 years, veteran journalist Mary Kostakidis traces Julian Assange’s history, from the conception of the Wikileaks anonymous submissions system for whistleblowers, to his perilous situation today. We discover here for the first time that the Australian journalist who suffered a mild stroke on the first day of the October appeal hearing, which was not announced until mid December, has only been seen and diagnosed by a prison doctor. Produced by Politics in the Pub Sydney.

Human rights activist and author Sister Susan Connelly speaks of the courage of Australian barrister, lawyer and former Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Attorney General Bernard Collaery, who was charged along with his client, the unnamed senior intelligence officer and whistleblower known as Witness K, for disclosing national security information to the public to reveal Australia’s spying and corruption on Timor Leste (Timor East).

Connelly instructs on what “turning the other cheek” really means and how to do it well, as Collaery has done, to humiliate the oppressor.

Produced by Politics in the Pub Sydney.

(For a quick and entertaining backgrounder on Australia’s spying scandal on impoverished Timor Leste to gain advantage in an oil deal, watch Juice Media’s “Honest Government Ad: Timor Leste” below.)

Juice Media’s “Honest Government Ad: Timor Leste”

1 comment for “WATCH: Courage in Public Life

  1. Georges Olivier Daudelin
    February 7, 2022 at 12:59

    Si Mary Kostakidis défend les droits de l’homme comme “Human rights watch” ou comme “Amnesty international”


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