The U.S. will not face reality about its foreign policy disasters but rather retreats to fantasy worlds that exist only in its own imagination, writes Michael Brenner.
As the Ultra-Orthodox pack their bags for Israel, Lawrence Davidson says other American Jews remain in place and continue an increasingly heated debate over human rights versus Zionism.
Gabriel Filippelli welcomes the $15 billion in the recently enacted infrastructure bill but says it is still not enough for the de-leading work needed nationwide in the U.S.
The international community will, by mid-century, need to find new forms of collaboration to contain the damage wrought by climate catastrophe, writes Alfred W. McCoy.
If Jane Holl Lute’s many endeavors outside the U.N. passed the institution’s ethics test, her latest gig became more complicated, Stéphanie Fillion reports.
Join Fidel Narváez, former consul at the Ecuador embassy in London, and John Kiriakou, former C.I.A. officer and CN columnist, discussing Julian Assange’s case. Produced by the First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee, WI. Watch the replay.