WATCH: Craig Murray, Roger Waters & Randy Credico on Julian Assange, Torture, the Ruling Class & Censorship


Weeks after being released from Saughton Prison in Edinburgh, former British diplomat Craig Murray joined Roger Waters and comedian Randy Credico.

Credico’s show, Live on the Fly/Assange: Countdown to Freedom, on WBAI radio in New York aired on Friday night. Also discussed is the psychology of the ruling class, censorship on the internet, slavery, John Stuart Mill, Prince Andrew, George V, Thomas Carlyle’s kindling and the public’s growing acceptance of war crimes and torture.

Craig Murray outside Saughton upon release. (Twitter)


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4 comments for “WATCH: Craig Murray, Roger Waters & Randy Credico on Julian Assange, Torture, the Ruling Class & Censorship

  1. Charlotte Peters Rock
    January 9, 2022 at 14:31

    Now running at 1,067,057 signatures. Please keep signing. ta.


  2. Diana
    January 9, 2022 at 03:10

    These three men are a treasure! Somehow, they managed to lift our spirits, despite the darkness of this moment in the case of Julian Assange. When I think of the ‘Justices’ in this case, I am reminded of Eliot’s “The Hollow Men.” “Paralyzed force, gesture without motion” and “lips…form[ing] prayers to broken stone.”

    • Skip Edwards
      January 9, 2022 at 13:49

      Diana, thanks for your well written words on behalf of Julian Assange. The taking away of one life is the same as taking away from all of lives. The war crimes of the US exposed by Julian Assange and for a long time supported by the “yes sir, whatever you say, sir” British government, must not be allowed to stand. German like Nazism never died. It lives on in the deceit of history and has simply moved on to inhabit the powers that reside in the US, British and other governments around the world. None of us, as individuals, is safe.

  3. January 8, 2022 at 15:38

    A wonderful conversation from three great men, congratulations from Aotearoa, at the bottom of the world but still solid with you

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