The Essence of CN: To Show That it Did Happen


There has been a massive mass media cover-up for the past 75 years.

English playwright Harold Pinter said in his 2005 Nobel Prize acceptance speech: 

“My contention here is that the US crimes in the same period [the Cold War] have only been superficially recorded, let alone documented, let alone acknowledged, let alone recognised as crimes at all. … the United States’ actions throughout the world made it clear that it had concluded it had carte blanche to do what it liked….

It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening.

It didn’t matter. It was of no interest. The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.” 

The U.S. government could not get away with this mass hypnosis without mass media covering for it, constantly renewing its impunity with few exceptions.  That’s why Robert Parry started this news site in 1995: to keep pointing out that it did happen and continues to happen. Consortium News is doing the job the mass media refuses, or is not permitted, to do. 

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16 comments for “The Essence of CN: To Show That it Did Happen

  1. Carolyn M. Grassi
    December 16, 2021 at 14:07

    Thank you for Harold Pinter’s presentation. So deeply moving. Brave too, as he was near the end of his life. Giving such a talk must have taken lots of energy. Such an inspiration on many levels, including how being a writer involves risks. As a former Maryknoll sister, whose late husband was a Maryknoller 3 years in Guatemala, I’ve heard of the terrible things that Harold Pinter mentions regarding U.S. interventions in Central America and elsewhere in the world. Also, Mr. Pinter refers to the awful School of the America’s training of death squads. It is Fr. Roy Bourgeoise (Maryknoller) who began the on-going protest movement against this school. A bow of thanks to Consortiumnews

  2. Carolyn M. Grassi
    December 16, 2021 at 13:48

    Thank you for this presentation by Harold Pinter. I will definitely go to his plays now, especially since I did not realize how critical he was of U.S. interventions in other countries. As a former Maryknoll sister (whose late husband was a Maryknoll priest, 3 years in Guatemala), I’ve known of the terrible policies and actions referred to by Harold Pinter regarding Nicaragua etc. Also, I am deeply moved by his expressions of how it is to be a writer, the quest, mystery and risks . . .
    Sincere thanks

  3. county kerry
    December 16, 2021 at 01:22

    “Sometimes a writer has to smash the mirror.” Harold Pinter

    What a gift, thank you !

  4. robert e williamson jr
    December 15, 2021 at 22:03

    In an earlier comment I left, I stated . “This should be good”.

    I had no knowledge of Mr. Pinter before this video and the accompanying text here. Great thought provoking words, delivered exquisitely by a dignified individual who delivers his precise thoughts in a sometimes “indignant manner” and appropriately so.

    I do have a fairly significant understanding of his topic here and agree with his take on this history 100%.

    This man has delivered the “set up”. Studying the time line here reveals the story and the only information or data missing in most cases is that which the U.S. Government brutally guards as state secrets. Most all stories that reveal the “dark” activities the U.S. Government allowed to become business as usual for the CIA and most other of it’s intelligence organizations. Organizations given far ranging authority by the U.S. Department of Justice which facilitates and engages in deceiving the American public by allowing “the lie “to go unchallenged in the U.S. court system and there by excluding the court of public opinion. All they claim in the sake of national security.

    National Security would be better served by banning all nukes.

    Now the truth of these activities is available to anyone who wishes to learn about them. Up to a point. Many of us can “See” the trees in the forest many others not so much for the forest blocks their view.

    We have the virus to deal with and it is not surprising this “bitter truth” we are dealing with here has thrown so many for a loop. But beware pilgrims this “Great Reset” as the World Economic Forum named it’s June 2020 50th annual meeting has been claimed as necessary because of the Virus,. I believe the Virus has given an opportunity to the Deep State to do a “Great Reset” reset after they have been caught with their hands in the Off Shore Banking Industry, “Cookie Jar”.

    If Biden pulls this off we may never get another chance to challenge this bullshit again.

    Thanks CN

  5. robert e williamson jr
    December 15, 2021 at 18:33

    We wonder what happened if we fail to U.S. learn history. Allen Dulles achieved leadership of CIA, which Robert Blum and he constructed in the form they desired. The Agency became a totally secret arm of the democracy with John Foster at the helm of the State Department as Secretary of state.

    With John practicing Brinkmanship and Allen at CIA what could go wrong.

    Well as we all well know now things have went to hell!

  6. Peter
    December 15, 2021 at 11:26

    At the time it was published, several european TV channels broadcasted parts or even the whole video on prime time TV. None in the US. I was able to find 2 or 3 US news outlets – could have been NYT, Christian Science monitor and possibly one more – that announced that Harold Pinter had been awarded the Nobel price in literature, but nothing about his acceptance speech. And quite a speech it was, or rather an extraordinary and memorable performance.

    Rest in peace, Harold Pinter!

  7. Desmond Fernandes
    December 15, 2021 at 05:15

    Thanks for sharing this very powerful Pinter speech. Essential listening and viewing, as relevant today as when he spoke.

  8. Tom Partridge
    December 15, 2021 at 03:23

    The Emperor has no clothes and the truth has been exposed relentlessly here by Harold Pinter, a truly brilliant speech.

  9. Jovanda
    December 14, 2021 at 17:08

    We remain in denial of our predatory, superiority-striving, “herding”/mobbing instincts that are neurologically programmed. They operate pre-consciously, faster than rational cognition. This is the source of our violence, domination, hypocrisy. Wisdom, compassion are ultimately ignored, suppressed, discounted by ruthless “Alphas” who control and profit. Our humanity is consistently corrupted by “inhumanity”. Brotherhoods become gangs, armies–not conscientious peacemakers. Even prophets, messengers and messiahs are circumvented by the lust for wealth, power, even “thrill-seeking”.
    The sufis say there is an antidote in the poison. Keep looking.

  10. C. Parker
    December 14, 2021 at 16:08

    In awe. Thank you for posting this masterpiece.

  11. Carolyn L Zaremba
    December 14, 2021 at 13:36

    Pinter’s speech was brilliant. People really need to listen to it in its entirety. I miss him and his eloquence and his truth-telling. The current world would be unbearable to him. As it is to me.

  12. Em
    December 14, 2021 at 13:08

    For the most part, those living in the comforts of first world conditions have been so far reeled-in to powers technological virtual reality systems that they no longer are able to differentiate, between what is, and what is only a manufactured representation of what is, on a remote device/screen.
    During the past 85 years, how has constantly and diligently pointing out that there has been a “massive mass media cover-up” actually changed the trajectory of U.S. crimes?
    The difference between Julian Assange and those purporting to be journalists is that his work was being heeded; it was playing on the down and dirty level of truth where the U.S. operates, whereas the others are not only content with talking until they are blue in the face about pie in the sky; that is in fact their purpose, to obfuscate while spewing out the elites concocted narrations.
    What comes first for them is the burnishing of their personal identity facades, and seeing to it that their incomes keep skyrocketing.

  13. robert e williamson jr
    December 14, 2021 at 12:49

    A message for JUDY MEYER ********* Here.

    I have written here before about a book I have, “The New Word”, 1939/1946 – VOLUME 1 A HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION. By Hewlett and Anderson – The Pennsylvania State Press, Copyright 1962. Based on what I found when comparing notes to the history surrounding them I leapt at the opportunity to learn more. I have been reading various books on this subject ever since.

    “There has been a massive mass media coverup for the last 85 years.” I hear you Harold Pinter. 2021 minus 85 equals 1933.

    If anyone here doesn’t know about Alan’s history go see the Allen Dulles wiki he was secretary for the Council on Foreign Relations from 1933 to 1944. Then do as I and obtain and read the Devils Chessboard by David Talbot,

    “The Devils Chessboard , Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise America’s Secret Government”, Anyone who does the same will not be disappointed. The author had access to Alan’s sister and her sources are second to none.

    Back to the early days of the Sullivan and Cromwell law firm and the Council of Foreign Relations.

    This should b e good !

    Thank you Mr. Pinter, and CN

  14. Me Myself
    December 14, 2021 at 10:08

    Inspiring, Thank you for standing up.

    • Me Myself
      December 14, 2021 at 20:26


  15. Judy Meyer
    December 14, 2021 at 10:03

    This is why I get this news letter.

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