WATCH: CN Live! — New Episode — John Kiriakou’s First Show: On Justice in Gaza & US Prisons


John Kiriakou & Elizabeth Vos interviewed Kevin Gosztola, and Paul Wright on “Seeking Justice in Gaza and the US Prison System.” Watch the replay.

New CN Live! host John Kiriakou was to team up with his old Loud and Clear co-host Brian Becker, activist, podcaster, and ANSWER Coalition cofounder, to discuss the situation in Gaza. Unfortunately Brian had a last minute scheduling conflict so his brother, activist Richard Becker filled for him. Brian will be on John’s next show. Journalist Kevin Gosztola updated us on the plight of drone whistleblower Daniel Hale; Human Rights Defense Center founder Paul Wright joined the program to talk about prison reform and sentencing reform in the era of Covid-19. With regular CN Live!co-host Elizabeth Vos. Watch the replay here:

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