Google Employees Call on Company to Cut Ties to Israeli Military


A group of Jewish and “allied” employees of the tech giant have published an open letter calling for the end of contracts with the IDF; to not censor public debate on Israel and Palestine; to recognize the pain of Palestinians and to affirm that anti-Zionism is not antisemitism. Read the letter here.

A courtyard at Googleplex, the Mountain View, California, headquarters of Google, 2014. (Runner1928, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)

The unprecedented criticism of Israel, as it continues to pound Gaza, by mainstream sectors of society has seen Democrats on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives blasting the staunch U.S. ally; Human Rights Watch calling Israel an “apartheid state;” and now employees of Google are calling on its parent company Alphabet to take concrete action against Israel and for Palestinians. 


Jewish Diaspora in Tech:
Letter on Google Communication and Cloud Contracts
Dear [CEO] Sundar [Pichai] and Google Executive Team:

We are a coalition of diverse Jewish and allied Googlers concerned about the internal dialogue around the political and racial violence in Israel and Palestine. We as Jews do not endorse the views of those who have written to you seeking to garner support for exclusively pro-Israel and pro-Zionist actions.

We object to the conflation of Israel with the Jewish people, affirm that anti-Zionism is not antisemitism, and implore leadership to take the following actions:

1. Heed the requests of Palestinian Googlers
Palestinians are overwhelmingly affected by the militarized colonial violence ocurring in the region. Please heed the requests framed by Palestinian Googlers and center their voices going forward.

2. Fund relief for Palestinians affected by military violence
We ask Google to fund Palestinian rights organizations and ensure that any support for Israeli humanitarian efforts be matched by support to Palestinian-led human rights and relief efforts.

3. Recognize the pain
We ask Google leadership to make a company-wide statement recognizing the violence in Palestine and Israel, which must include direct recognition of the harm done to Palestinians by Israeli military and gang violence. Both Israelis and Palestinians are hurting right now, but ignoring the destructive and deadly attacks faced by Palestinians erases our Palestinian coworkers.

4. Protect freedom of speech
We ask Google leadership to reject any definition of antisemitism that holds that criticism of Israel or Zionism is antisemitic. Anti-Zionism is not antisemitism and this conflation harms the pursuit of justice for Palestinians and Jews alike by limiting freedom of expression and distracting from real acts of antisemitism [1].

5. Affirm Google’s commitment to human rights
Many of Israel’s actions violate the UN human rights principles, which Google is committed to upholding. We request the review of all Alphabet business contracts and corporate donations and the termination of contracts with institutions that support Israeli violations of Palestinian rights, such as the Israeli Defense Forces.

Signed by concerned Jewish Googlers, allies, and external supporters

(If you would like to be in touch with the organizers of this letter please feel free to email [email protected]) (To see our FAQ feel free to visit and to visit our website

9 comments for “Google Employees Call on Company to Cut Ties to Israeli Military

  1. Carolyn L Zaremba
    May 20, 2021 at 14:28

    Thank you, Google employees!

  2. May 19, 2021 at 22:49

    Google would do right by removing all affiliation with Israel, and in addition, take the measures of removing all censorship of free speech of all kinds. Currently, Google is about to lose a huge constituency of customers, as is youtube, microsoft word, windows, and other related computer and such business. Many people would rather switch to alternative services than to support Gates and what he represents. The people en masse are considering removing ourselves from all Gates’ computer business. It would be wise for google employees to strike if these measures are not taken, as their jobs may be on the line also. The people need to take a strong stand for righteousness, and do what it takes to bring power to the people, and to restore our liberties that we deserve as human beings.

    • May 20, 2021 at 09:21

      I couldn’t agree with you more on this post of yours. It is much appreciated.
      “Boycott Israel into Submission”

  3. rosemerry
    May 19, 2021 at 16:45

    Unbelievable!!!!! Is this “fake news”??? How many of the 300 “US reps” standing up for Israel will be having a heart attack??? If this is true I will change my attitude to google at once.
    Free speech in the USA????

  4. David Otness
    May 19, 2021 at 14:04

    If only…
    One can assume by Israel’s advanced technological prowess, their use of it in so many devious applications against any and all comers (including the United States,) is highly unlikely to be disrupted to any extent no matter the idealistic pleadings of well grounded and good people like the signers of the above.
    The Mossad, Unit 8200, and how many other offshoots that have their fingers on the world’s pulse via spy satellites, shared NSA data, telephone technology stolen (or illegally “given”) to Israel by the U.S.; their relationships with the über tech arbiters such as Eric Schmidt and Bill “The Weasel” Gates and his panoply of almost whimsical interests—anything that makes him money or increases his power—are going to be relationships that will not be interrupted, only further enhanced in the cause of techno-totalitarianism.
    We are in much too deep and are much too late to interrupt their machinations by any heretofore known conventional means, especially by “voting harder.”
    But, I am thankful there is resistance, an apparent push back across such a wide spectrum after all of these decades of complacency.

    • May 19, 2021 at 22:55

      I have come up with solutions. Using the free operating system Linux, and I prefer their Kubunto version, ‘Windows is not necessary. It includes Libre, a word processor easier to use than Word. Instead of youtube, we have Rockfin, Brandnewtube, Odysee, Brighteon, bitchute, Lbry, and other video outlets to learn from. Email can be done through protonmail, which can be encrypted. So you see, we can get other avenues for our work. I am using many of these already, actually all of them, and am doing just fine. Oh, yes, instead of google search engine, I use duckduckgo, far superior.

  5. Jon Adams
    May 19, 2021 at 13:53

    We need a social media site that doesn’t work for Zionists, such as Twitter or Facebook. We need to be able say what we think without the threat of being suspended.

    • May 19, 2021 at 22:57

      bitchute, rockfin, odysee, brighteon, lbry, brandnewtube, mewe, = there are many- youtube is not necessary, actually it is antiquated and totally unnecessary. IT is time to use the alternatives enmasse.

      • robert e williamson jr
        May 20, 2021 at 11:31

        It is called boycotting and it works. It is time we went through these people instead of around them.

        What needs to be done by youtubers making money for the YouTube is for them to “Speak Out” and work for “the cause” here. I have no clue what the “YT rules are” but is the most profitable sites for YT simply claim technical difficulties for a month or two and shut sdown revenue streams the greed heads will get the message.

        Shut down the flow of gold and these greedy minds will follow. The Tuber I watch could also switch their carriers.

        Thanks CN

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