WATCH: Lies, Spin and Propaganda


John Kiriakou, Lauri Love and Suelette Dreyfus discuss the WikiLeaks release of the Global Intelligence Files (Stratfor leaks) on the 9th anniversary of their publication. Produced by Don’t Extradite Assange.


Re-streamed live by permission of Don’t Extradite Assange.

2 comments for “WATCH: Lies, Spin and Propaganda

  1. cjonsson1
    February 28, 2021 at 23:17

    Lauri Love, you are a dear very empathetic man gifted with a powerful way with words.
    I’m passing this video on everywhere. and hope it hits a note with many of them.

  2. David Otness
    February 27, 2021 at 14:03

    Very revealing, and encouraging too. “Sentinel of the public trust.” Thank you, good people of Consortium News.

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