WATCH: CN Live!—‘Freedom Denied’ with Roger Waters and John Pilger


Watch the replay: WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange was denied bail on Wednesday and sent back to Belmarsh prison on remand pending U.S. appeals, two days after his extradition to the U,S, was blocked on health grounds.

Join Roger Waters and John Pilger and your hosts Elizabeth Vos and Joe Lauria and British legal analyst Alexander Mercouris as they discussed Wednesday’s decision in Westminster Magistrate Court to deny Julian Assange bail: 




14 comments for “WATCH: CN Live!—‘Freedom Denied’ with Roger Waters and John Pilger

  1. dhinds
    January 8, 2021 at 04:51

    Murica murders with impunity

  2. Elizabeth McDermott
    January 7, 2021 at 15:40

    You are all hero’s in my opinion. Thank you for your courage and heart. One thing that was well stated in this video, is the truth about what Assange brought to light and how dangerous that is to the arms race. Also how ruthlessly Assange is being punished for that and the complete lack of justice in this legal battle. I think this point needs to be emphasized more for the GP (people like me) as the central reason Julien Assange is being punished. War and the continuation of the war machine funds the wealthy and the rest of us are expected to either fight those wars or shut up and keep buying stuff. It occurred while listening to this video that the 99% is still a hot threat to the elite, at least until we are replaced by AI. They don’t want us to fully grasp the truth Assange brought forth because the veil is so thin now but still time on the old clock. We are at a turning point but most of us don’t know what to do. The old saying that “you can’t solve a problem with the same thinking that created it” is true. But a shit load can be solved with a song, sutra or parable (that’s proven). We need to see ourselves from another view. When Roger Waters mentioned his meeting with Brian Eno, I could feel a powerful optimism, an urgent message taking shape. Something other worldly has to take shape, something that would help us gain perspective of ourselves again. Perhaps it would take another type of “being” to help realign our planetary faith and ignite our appetite for truth, love, ethics and resolve. I have no doubt Roger Waters and Brian Eno could create such a musical “being” and release a video to go out quickly, virally and globally. Thank you for your excellent work and coverage. I loved what John Pilger said about the media and of course donating. Sincerely from here.

  3. Robyn
    January 7, 2021 at 00:26

    Thank you for a first class panel discussion. Intelligent, passionate, informed panellists, so rare these days.

    I’d like to add that one of Australia’s worst serial killers, Ivan Milat, was never kept in conditions like Julian’s. Except for a notable few Australian MPs and Senators, the entire Parliament and Opposition should hang their heads in shame.

  4. Derrick Steed
    January 6, 2021 at 17:01

    Why is it that you people seem so convinced that the rule of law applies in this farce? If the emotional signals that you seem to believe are being exhibited by Baraitsa are indeed real then it is more probably due to her becoming aware of her status as a puppet who may, in the final analysis, become a scapegoat for the outcome in the event of Assange’s demise.

  5. January 6, 2021 at 16:32

    With regards to the three cases of SARS-2 that have been detected in Belmarsh relies entirely on how many people were actually tested.

    Has that figure been released?

    Regarding Julian as a flight risk where can he fly to?

    Again if the same security is applied as at the Embassy then any chance of flight is utterly impossible.

    This judge’s actions are both bizarre and obscene.

    Let us hope High Court Judges are a little better informed.

  6. January 6, 2021 at 16:21

    For many months, I have had a sticker on the back of my car that I bought off Ebay direct from Australia saying “Free Julian Assange”.

    Has anybody come up and say that they agree or disagree, I am afraid not but two people did come up and inquire “Who is Julian Assange”.

    All I can say is that the BBC and mainstream media have done a marvellous job in keeping the general population completely misinformed.

  7. Guy St Hilaire
    January 6, 2021 at 15:19

    Dismissed on health reasons but sent back to what is the most unhealthy jail in the UK.
    The judiciary in the UK is what the official government line is .Lie ,obfuscate and generate false narratives a la Higgins/Belingcat.
    For a quick rundown ;Skripals , MH-17 ,OPCW and the list goes on.

  8. Andrew Pritchard
    January 6, 2021 at 14:05

    They don’t want a suicide not for humanitarian reasons, but because they don’t want him to become a martyr.

  9. Bourque
    January 6, 2021 at 12:47

    The British government and courts have dug themselves a hole they can’t get out of. How do they release him and save face? To release him is to admit they have perpetrated a crime against an innocent man all these years. How can anyone respect a justice system like that? Shameful.

  10. Tom
    January 6, 2021 at 11:53

    Dear John and Roger, you’ve been doing a lot and I appreciate that. I have one message for Roger. He is a celebrity. I guess he knows celebrities, a few of them at list. I think that there is something you can do: try and involve a few big, big names in this fight. I dream one day someone grabbing the microphone at the academy awards and make a speech for Julian… we need big names to join this fight. I know this sounds stupid. But we need bigger names to join this fight.

    • Robyn
      January 7, 2021 at 00:28

      Agree, Tom. Roger has done so much and it’s hard to ask him to do even more, but perhaps a few phone calls to get some more Big Names on the case could do more than the hundreds of thousands of us nobodies contacting spineless politicians and spreading the word at every opportunity.

    • Annie McStravick
      January 7, 2021 at 11:30

      Big, bigger, biggest….

      Roger is one of the biggest, he’s famous the world over. Of course it would be good for other big names to join in the struggle. It’s not clear what sort of people you consider to be “bigger names”.

  11. Jon Travis
    January 6, 2021 at 11:11

    Marvelous. Thanks to CN and all concerned for being so up to date with this. The BBC News website is still saying that Julian Assange was ‘hiding ‘ in the Ecudorian embassy. Some things never change.

  12. Em
    January 6, 2021 at 10:51

    Historical mass delusion: ‘The rule of law’. Power is the law and the law is what power says it is.

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