WATCH: CN Live! Daily Video Report on Assange Hearing–Day 18: Ellsberg Parallel Raised on Last Day of Testimony


Editor Joe Lauria presents a live report every day that court is in session at noon EDT during the resumed extradition hearing. Watch his recap of the Day Eighteen, the last day of testimony.


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3 comments for “WATCH: CN Live! Daily Video Report on Assange Hearing–Day 18: Ellsberg Parallel Raised on Last Day of Testimony

  1. Willow
    October 2, 2020 at 15:19

    Julians team should draw a parallel between plotting to kill and kidnapping
    Assange from an embassy and what happened to Kashogghi, who was kidnapped and murdered in an embassy

  2. October 2, 2020 at 03:10

    I am very grateful to you for publishing these reports. I don’t remember subscribing to your programme but am very happy if I did. Maybe I got you via Grayzone. I am very sorry that I am too poor to send money. I follow 9 progressive podcasts who all need support. I can manage 12 dollars a year to [—] for a year’s membership. I write regular pieces on life, the arts, society and politics which I send to 10 people. In these I pass on your news and promote you.

  3. NooN
    October 1, 2020 at 18:49

    Excellent Rendition. Thank You

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