WATCH: CN Live! New Episode: ‘Drama in the Court’ with Defense Witness Trevor Timm (and Kim Dotcom)


Timm was interviewed by journalists Stefania Maurizi, Keven Gosztola and legal analyst Alexander Mercouris. Kim Dotcom made a surprise appearance on the program.

CN Live! recapped and analyzed the first week of the resumption of the extradition hearing of imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange with the defense’s most potent witness, Trevor Timm, executive director of the Freedom of the Press Foundation, who dismantled key elements of the government’s case on the witness stand on Wednesday. 

Timm was interviewed by Shadowproof managing editor Kevin Gosztola, who is receiving wide praise for his live tweeting of the courtroom action; Stefania Maurizi, the Italian journalist who has partnered with WikiLeaks to publish some of its biggest releases, and whose freedom of information requests exposed corruption surrounding the Swedish process against Asssange; and by Alexander Mercouris, a British legal analyst and editor with particular insights into the UK justice system.   Kim Dotcom, the internet entrepreneur and friend of WikiLeaks and Assange, called into the program unexpectedly and made a major contribution to the understanding of the case.

Like Consortium News, both Gosztola and Maurizi have been monitoring every moment of the trial via remote video access.  Gosztola, Maurizi, Mercouris and Dotcom engaged in a freewheeling discussion about the week’s events and the case going forward with your hosts Elizabeth Vos and Joe Lauria.

Watch the whole show here:



10 comments for “WATCH: CN Live! New Episode: ‘Drama in the Court’ with Defense Witness Trevor Timm (and Kim Dotcom)

  1. Dave
    September 14, 2020 at 15:06

    More quality work. This should make us all even more interested in investing in alternate platforms like ISE Media. MSM is distorted, corrupt, and dead.

  2. grayslady
    September 14, 2020 at 13:08

    Trevor Timm’s testimony the other day was dynamite. Mercouris was the only participant, besides, perhaps, Kim Dotcom, who understood how Timm’s understanding of constitutional law regarding press freedoms just shot a huge hole in the U.S. government’s case. Timm’s point that Congress had refused to pass a law condemning release of the names of informants (as opposed to operatives) showed that even if Julian Assange had been a U.S. citizen at the time the act occurred, there would be no basis for charging him under American law.

    Kim Dotcom was an invaluable asset to the discussion. He has a lot of legal experience with the same issue of extradition, and I think he made the most valuable point of the entire conversation: a way has to be found to move the case rapidly up to higher level in the legal food chain before a lower court decision is reached. Sadly, judges who depend on being elected or appointed are subject to various forms of bribery in order to keep their positions; but judges who have lifetime appointments are more concerned, typically, with the integrity and legacy of the system–if only to polish their own bona fides. I think it’s time for Julian to have a “health crisis” that necessitates a new bail hearing.

    Great job, CN!

  3. robert e williamson jr
    September 14, 2020 at 00:14

    For everyone’s information, at the. This is Mr. Timm’s statement for the record. He has it right friends.

    It is sad to witness those who are in dogged pursuit of the prosecution of Juliane to have embarrassed themselves, clearly clueless to their own idiocy, they continue to expose themselves because of this ignorance. Very sad to see this happen and it needs to stop immediately.

    This torturing of a brilliant human being invested in doing good for sake of decency is the actual crime here and the world needs to let them know it.

    Anyone privy to the circus in Washington D.C. these last few years can clearly see who the liars and villains in this story are and we see very clearly.

    One would think after the humiliation , after humiliation of being revealed as fumbling bumblers trying to kill the messenger because they suffered embarrassment from the message, someone there would come to their senses and relent.

    Obviously the truth actually really screws these idiots up.

    Thanks to CN

  4. Tom Kath
    September 13, 2020 at 21:38

    War crimes, yes, of course! Morality is being contested. We/they are questioning the most fundamental original morality of “Chivalry”. I repeat, those who believe justice is served by revenge, do not deserve any.

  5. carrie
    September 13, 2020 at 09:00

    Yes it would not have gone badly except the judge has already made her decision.

    • carrie
      September 13, 2020 at 09:16

      This needs a mass people’s movement to pressure the UK and Australian governments to intervene. Assange cannot wait more years in conditions of torture.

  6. Billy Field
    September 13, 2020 at 08:25

    Brilliant commentary indeed.. excellent focus in “the right places”….ie all about in large part keeping him perpetually “incommunicado” by abuse of Judicial process until they can get him in secret custody & perhaps trial..IF he lives that long……..& partake. intimidating & silencing any future exposure of any War crimes (& corruption) of the very Public Officials (et al) so wickedly & cruelly “Targeting him” for producing EVIDENCE they can’t lie their way out of…. Bravo al of you & thanks!

  7. cjonsson
    September 13, 2020 at 01:15

    What a great show! I learned so much about international law and all of the forces working against Julian to silence him.
    Kevin Gosztola you are doing fantastic work covering Julian’s trial and Chelsea Manning.
    What a treat to hear the insight contributed by Kim Dotcom and the positive lens he is looking through on Julian’s case.
    Most of all the press is a disgrace to their profession not covering Julian’s illegal imprisonment and trial. This can be the blossoming of independent unbiased media that serves the public, not commercial interests like the MSM.
    Consortium News was a true news trailblazer very early on led by Robert Parry. We are forever grateful to him.

  8. Kari Sprowl
    September 12, 2020 at 11:05

    Actually 90% our (U..S.) MSM is owned by six companies, thanks to Bill Clinton. Geoege Soros owns a sizeable chunk. We don’t acutally have a free MSM.

  9. brian c
    September 12, 2020 at 11:04

    Indispensable coverage that cannot be found in corporate so called news, that’s why I contribute monthly to Consortium news and you should too!

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