Two new documentaries on the Jeffery Epstein affair delve into lurid details & give voice to his victims, but both scratch the surface of the political & intelligence dimensions of the scandal, writes Elizabeth Vos.
By Elizabeth Vos
Special to Consortium News
Investigation Discovery premiered a three-hour special, “Who Killed Jeffrey Epstein?” on May 31, the first segment in a three-part series, that focused on Epstein’s August 2019 death in federal custody. The series addresses Epstein’s alleged co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell, his links with billionaire Leslie Wexner, founder of the Victoria’s Secret clothing line, and others, as well as the non-prosecution deal he was given.
The special followed on the heels of Netflix’s release of “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich,” a mini-series that draws on a book of the same name by James Patterson.
Promotional material for “Who Killed Jeffery Epstein?” promises that: “… exclusive interviews and in-depth investigations reveal new clues about his seedy underworld, privileged life and controversial death. The three-hour special looks to answer the questions surrounding the death of this enigmatic figure.” Netflix billed its series this way: “Stories from survivors fuel this docuseries examining how convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein used his wealth and power to carry out his abuses.”
Neither documentary however deals at all with Epstein’s suspected ties to the world of intelligence.
Absent from both are Maxwell’s reported links to Israeli intelligence through her father, Robert Maxwell, former owner of The New York Daily News and The Mirror newspaper in London. Maxwell essentially received a state funeral in Israel and was buried on the Mount of Olives after he mysteriously fell off his yacht in 1991 in the Atlantic Ocean.

Ari Ben-Menashe. (From his memoir, “Profits of War”)
In an interview with Consortium News, former Israeli intelligence officer Ari Ben-Menashe said Epstein did not work with Mossad. “Military intelligence was who he was working with,” said Ben-Menashe. “Big difference,” he said. “He never worked with Mossad, and Robert Maxwell never did, either. It was military intelligence.”
Ben-Menashe claimed Robert Maxwell was Epstein’s “tie over. Robert Maxwell was the conduit [in the Iran-Contra scandal]. The financial conduit.”
In “Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales,” a book published in December, Ben-Menashe is quoted as saying he worked with Robert Maxwell who introduced his daughter and Epstein to Israeli intelligence, after which they engaged in a blackmail operation for Israel. “[Epstein] was taking photos of politicians f**king fourteen-year-old girls — if you want to get it straight. They [Epstein and Maxwell] would just blackmail people, they would just blackmail people like that,” he says in the book.
Ben-Menashe also claims that Robert Maxwell had attempted to blackmail Mossad. “He really lost his compass once he started playing these games with people,” he told Consortium News.
Prince Andrew

Prince Andrew in a carriage procession, June 2012. (Carfax2, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)
About a week after both documentaries premiered, the U.S. Department of Justice approached the U.K.’s Home Office requesting that Prince Andrew answer questions in the U.K. over his links to Epstein, The Mirror reported. If he refuses, the paper said, U.S. prosecutors would ask that he be brought to a British court to respond to their questions. Andrew’s lawyers say he three times agreed to be questioned by U.S. authorities, but it is not known if Andrew attached conditions, such as immunity.
Both documentaries mention Prince Andrew in the context of allegations about him from one of Epstein’s victims, Virginia Roberts Giuffre. But neither film goes into much detail about Andrew’s role in the Epstein operation, which Ben-Menashe said, was to lure powerful men into Epstein’s orbit.
“One of the things that are really key to this is that he [Epstein] befriended a very useful idiot called Prince Andrew,” Ben-Menashe told CN. “Now what really happened was that this Prince Andrew, with nothing to do, was having fun with this, and Prince Andrew brings in the fancy people, invites them to play golf with him, and then takes them out for fun. Then Epstein shows up, and these people are basically blackmailed.”
“The only person that can talk, that probably knows quite a bit, is the great prince,” Ben-Menashe said. “He was with him [Epstein] all the time. I really don’t know what his future is going to be like, either.”
Since a number of influential figures were named in a lawsuit filed by Giuffre against Ghislaine Maxwell the day before Epstein was found dead in his federal prison cell in New York, Ben-Menashe said: “I’m starting to think that lawsuit was his death sentence, because people didn’t want to be named. That’s my guess, it’s just a guess. Obviously, somebody decided that he had to go.”
Epstein’s death was ruled a “suicide” by New York’s chief medical examiner. A pathologist hired by Epstein’s brother said it was homicide.
An Angry Call
Just before Ben-Menashe spoke to Consortium News on Monday, he said he had received an angry telephone call from Israel’s Channel 13 television station.
“They called me, and they went wild: ‘What, you believe Israel would use little girls? You are saying that? You are insulting the nation, you are making us anathema around the world.’ I said, ‘The truth is the truth.’ And Jeffrey Epstein’s story is something that nobody wanted to hear. He was working with the Israelis, he was working with Maxwell,” Ben-Menashe said.
He added: “It’s a very bad story, and I can see why the Israelis are so concerned about it. I believe [Channel 13] were expressing anger, and I believe this was a message. I don’t like messages like that… it has to do with the timing and these stories coming out about Epstein. They [Israel] are starting to become anathema to the world, this adds to it — the Epstein story.”
Victims’ Voices
The Netflix and Investigation Discovery productions allow survivors to recount their experiences in interviews as well as taped police recordings and focus on the sweetheart plea deal provided to Epstein by former Trump Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta during Acosta’s tenure as U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida.
Each series outlines Epstein’s relationships with Wexner, Maxwell, and a variety of elite figures. Investigation Discovery focuses on the controversy surrounding Epstein’s death while Netflix’s “Filthy Rich” examines the second attempt to prosecute Epstein in the context of the Me Too movement.
The Netflix series describes the initial investigation of Epstein as it shifted from the state to the federal level, and airs allegations that Florida journalists covering the story were threatened. Netflix also interviews psychologist Dr. Kathryn Stamoulis, a specialist in adolescent sexuality, who gives a description of Epstein’s targeting and grooming of young girls. Epstein survivor Giuffre later describes in the film being groomed to tolerate exploitation and sex trafficking as part of a “deranged family.”
The final section of the fourth episode in Netflix’s miniseries includes a survivor stating that this was not simply an Epstein operation, but an “international sex trafficking ring that reached all over the world.” Epstein is described as a “very small piece in a huge network.” But the documentary goes no further than that.
As in the Belgian Dutroux case, victims alleged that multiple abusers acted in concert with each other, using blackmail to keep each other in line. In both instances, authorities and the media portrayed the abuse as chiefly the product of an aberrant lone predator.
“This wouldn’t be the only time this happened, but this guy got way over his head,” Ben-Menashe told Consortium News. “He probably was blackmailing too many people, too many powerful people. And then, this is a story the Israelis wouldn’t want to come out, anyway.”
Thriving in Murky Waters
Another angle the documentaries did not approach was the environment in which Epstein thrived like an algae bloom in stagnant water, that is, within a long history of child trafficking rings linked with intelligence agencies, often with the aim of gathering blackmail material. It was within this reality that Epstein appeared to be rendered untouchable.
Omitting the intelligence aspect of Epstein’s history allows the Establishment media to portray his case as a mysterious and unsolvable aberration, rather than perhaps a continuation of business-as-usual amongst those in power.
The glaring refusal to address Epstein’s intelligence involvement becomes clear when Investigation Discovery and Netflix’s programs discuss the role of Acosta in securing Epstein’s “sweetheart” plea deal, but do not reference Acosta’s widely reported explanation as to why Acosta agreed to the deal. As reported by The Daily Beast, Acosta claimed that he cut the non-prosecution deal because he had been told that “Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone.”
Independent journalist Whitney Webb has reported on Epstein’s many ties with intelligence, telling CNLive! in August last year that there is evidence this included with the CIA.
Webb spoke about Iran-Contra links to Epstein via his and billionaire Wexner’s efforts to relocate Southern Air Transport (formerly the CIA’s Air America) from Florida to Ohio: “What’s significant here is that out of all the airlines in the United States, Wexner and Epstein choose the airline, the only airline that is outed, publicly known at the time, to be a CIA cut-out. Out of all the airlines that exist, that’s the one they go for,” she said.
Webb also cited reporting by Nigel Rosser, a British journalist, who wrote in the Evening Standard in 2001 that Epstein claimed he worked for the CIA in the 1990s.
Lip Service
Investigation Discovery and Netflix give lip service to Wexner’s ties with Epstein, omitting that Wexner gave Epstein the largest private residence in New York City — essentially for free. Investigation Discovery does not mention that the residence was extensively wired with surveillance equipment, per Webb and The New York Times.
“James Patterson, before writing his book on Epstein, ‘Filthy Rich,’ on which this documentary [by Netflix] is based, wrote a novel [‘The President is Missing’] with Bill Clinton , who is of course quite close to the Epstein scandal, so that definitely, in my opinion, raises some eyebrows,” Webb told Consortium News.
“I think that one of the goals of this [Netflix] documentary is to basically imply that Epstein was the head of the operation and that now that he is dead, all of that activity has ceased,” Webb said. “If they had actually bothered to explore the intelligence angle, in some of the more obvious facts about the case, like Leslie Wexner’s role, for example, it becomes clear that Epstein was really just more of a manager of this type of operation, [and] that these activities continue.”
Webb said a main reason for avoiding discussion of the intelligence angle is that mention of state sponsorship would lead to calls for accountability and open inquiry into a history of sexual blackmail by intelligence agencies. “So if they had given even superficial treatment of those ties, it would have exposed threads that if anyone had bothered to pull on a little bit, would start to unravel a lot of things that obviously these powerful people and institutions don’t want exposed,” Webb said.
More than nine months since Epstein’s death, no alleged Epstein co-conspirator has been arrested or charged with a crime despite reports of an active criminal investigation of Maxwell (who has disappeared), and multiple failed attempts of alleged Epstein victims to serve her with civil suits.
“The criminal case against him, and all the evidence that was gathered against him as part of that, will never be made public unless someone else is charged,” said Webb. “So, the fact that they’re not charging anyone else is quite telling, and the fact that the mainstream media isn’t pushing back against that, I think is telling as well.”
The omissions of major aspects of the Epstein case by the media, specifically its links with the intelligence community, seems to be yet another example of a buffer between justice and those responsible for rendering Epstein untouchable.
Elizabeth Vos is a freelance reporter and co-host of CN Live.
The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Consortium News.
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What we are seeing is all kabuki theatre. This is going nowhere. Nobody is going to be prosecuted. Epstein is conveniently dead. Maxwell has disappeared and is being protected. Prince Andrew is not going to be handed over. This will be allowed to rumble on for a while with a few insignificant salacious tidbits allowed to emerge from time to time.
It is clear that this is a very sophisticated, long running, global sex trafficking operation run by (Israeli) intelligence for blackmail purposes, targeting people at the very top of public life, royalty, presidents, politicians, billionaires, and others. What we have seen so far does not even scratch the surface.
If they really intended to do anything about this, everybody on the Lolita Express, Clinton, Dershowitz, Andrew, and all the others, would have been rounded up and perp walked in handcuffs and thrown into a cell with Big Mary and kept there indefinitely until they start talking. Given the full Chelsea Manning/ Assange treatment. There are an awful lot of blackmail tapes out there, but the “investigation” is intended to make them disappear. The most that can be expected is that Giuffre and some others will get a pay out in a civil suit. The “sensational” documentaries are just chaff and information management.
This speaks volumes about the criminal nature of the Zionist Regime, which has sustained itself from its inception at the expense of others through terrorism, bribery and corruption, blackmail, intimidation and mendacity on an epic scale. The world centre of sex trafficking, organ trafficking, drug and arms trafficking, fraud and criminality on an epic scale. It also speaks volumes about those who lord it over us, their true character. A surprisingly high proportion of them seem to be involved in sexual abuse and sadistic abuse of children. And this behaviour is not restricted to the Epstein operation, however extensive that was. There was the Dutroux operation in Belgium. Like Epstein, a monkey, not an organ grinder. Or the earlier Ohio operation. Or similar networks in the UK which have been swept under the carpet.
It may well be that depraved and degenerate characters are deliberately selected and promoted by Zionist and global corporatist interests, the real shakers and movers, because they are easy to control. This vast hidden cesspit has not gone away, nor will it. A few of the faces will change, but that is all.
I can’t think of any reason to doubt Ari’s explanations, surely it was all about the blackmailing. Basically, sounds like the biggest and worst conspiracy of all-time if you consider the story as a whole. Imagine how horrific the number of victims and the suffering of the victims is with their whole lives ahead of them ruined probably by drugs, suicides, crushing mental problems. Then consider how many people are involved with the blackmail operations. Then consider how many crimes and horrors are manifested as a result of the blackmail. Then consider that even now, our entire government is basically all-in supporting every single wish of Netanyahu. And that the department of Justice, the two top officials in the land are William Barr, Jeffrey A. Rosen, and what kind of justice that is. And not one co-conspirator is brought to justice, and Maxwell is missing, free and clear for the crimes so far. Can things possibly get any worse for the US? So incredibly sad. Maybe we can count on Wolf Blitzer and Andrea Mitchell to really dig in to the story and get to the bottom of it.
Spot on!!.
Israel was anathema to the world long before the Epstein affair. Actions have consequences.
Thank you for this article and the effort you put into it.
Attention taken with this rich guy who was hot for teenagers and paid enormous sums for a backrub that would have made seasoned sex workers stand in line to be paid so well and not even need to have sex is attention diverted from a collapsing system threatening most of all those who not only can’t afford paying for backrubs but are having trouble just surviving…whether epstein killed himself or was taken away by “them”, we are paying the price to wall street, the pentagon and israel and will continue doing so as long as we chase indivduals, symbols and identity groups other than the ruling class.
If Epstein ran a blackmailing business for “them”, and it is continuing without him, we are hamstrung regarding attempting meaningful change. Elected officials dare not cross “them” and serve their constituency who are having trouble “just surviving”. It is about controlling the agenda and the narrative.
You write “Attention taken with this rich guy .. is attention diverted from a collapsing system threatening …”
Respectfully, I think you’re missing the point.
Few of us are interested in Mr. Epstein. We’re paying attention to a system that can assassinate a billionaire who is under public protection, without difficulty or consequence, and with little comment.
Rather than distracting from the “system,” this event focusses a spotlight on it. We see what that system can do and get away with. We see the MSM, by its unwillingness to pursue the perpetrators, is complicit and part of the oppressive apparatus.
The more light that we shed on the event of Mr. Epstein’s murder; the more we uncover; the better we may understand the workings and power of the system — and the people — that rule us.
Mr. Epstein may have been of little importance. But his death has enormous implications and needs to be scrutinized.
Spot on
I just hope everyone here reading this understands that the truth behind this story, and everyone it touches, be it CIA, Israeli intelligence, or otherwise, implicates both sides of the political spectrum. You can’t indict Clinton for his involvement and gloss over Trump, or vice verse. Yes, the media is easily corrupted to look the other way or spin a counter-narrative, but those in power now are not doing any better at telling you the truth. Search for the truth, and follow it wherever it goes – even if it ends up leading to the people YOU look up to. Only when we’re able to call out anyone no matter what side we think we’re on will we truly be speaking up for justice or be fully awake to the grand conspiracy that is greed, corruption, and cover-up.
Thank you for this bold and otherwise apt summary of the scandal, as of now, including the ongoing cover-up by the documentary makers and other major media.
There is STILL no REAL investigation taking place. Thanks for this article which points out that authorities and almost all journalists are only focussing on Epstein’s prurient sex acts with minor girls. As long as this remains the case, no one will look at the real story – this was almost certainly an international “sex trafficking” operation targeting very powerful people, almost certainly for blackmail purposes.
All of the “johns” (Epstein and Maxwell’s repeat customers) are still off limits to “investigators.”
Yes. We were disgusted with the Epstein “documentaries “. They never ask WHY Epstein was doing this. My husband believes Mosad but not sure how that differs from other Israel operations. And where are all of those files and photos the police took from Epstein’s residence, eh
Destruction of evidence
Endless lies
What a summary of American politics aka the
American sewer.
There is STILL no REAL investigation taking place. Thanks for this article which points out that authorities and almost all journalists are only focussing on Epstein’s prurient sex acts with minor girls. As long as this remains the case, no one will look at the real story – this was almost certainly an international “sex trafficking” operation targeting very powerful people, almost certainly for blackmail purposes.
All of the “johns” (Epstein and Maxwell’s repeat customers) are still off limits to “investigators.”
I wrote a piece making some of these points that was published at ZH months ago. I list all the questions that still haven’t been answered.
Whitney Webb has the ugly details all laid out.
When Epstein was arrested, I wonder how much hush money exchanged hands? It’s a sustainable illegal economy, with Israeli/CIA Intel on the receiving side. All the build up of lies, of opportunities to have a better world, especially since Kennedy. To think, he almost turned the tide of Intel but was assassinated. But, as Merton said, he turned spiritually, before he ‘went to the theatre.’
Epstein offered to give up five powerful, influential names. That signed his death warrant.
An unsuccessful attempt to garrot him had already occurred. Likely, he did not expect a successful second attempt so soon.
“Ben-Menashe is quoted as saying he worked with Robert Maxwell who introduced his daughter and Epstein to Israeli intelligence, after which they engaged in a blackmail operation for Israel. “[Epstein] was taking photos of politicians f**king fourteen-year-old girls — if you want to get it straight.”
What I’ve been saying for years and been called a conspiracy theorist nut job for believing. It’s common sense CN.
Why do you think Trump hasn’t stopped kissing Benjamin Netanyahu’s ass since he took office?
Israel engages in a lot of nasty behavior. To even imply as much renders you “mentally ill”. Take it from an American born to an Israeli father that disagreement with what Israel does is more than just discouraged at home.
All US pols support because the Religious Right needs Israel to build a temple so the Antichrist can defile it to bring Jesus back.
Absolutely spot on sir.
““The criminal case against him, and all the evidence that was gathered against him as part of that, will never be made public unless someone else is charged,” said Webb. ”
What about civil charges?
I should think that anyone who has appeared in a photo on the Love Express or whose name repeatedly appears on the plane’s passenger list could conceivably be charged in a civil court, with statutory rape or some such. Or international trafficking of minors. Holding in illegal lockdown on an island?
Bill Clinton is the obvious candidate.
Prince Andrew also must be subpoena’d by the US, for questionning. Then P.A. might get a taste of what it feels like to be Julian Assange. In fact, all PA would have to do to get a significant portion of the world’s online community on his side is suggest that Julian Assange should be set free and all charges dropped.
Great article.
About. time somebody reported on this, share. Should also report on 2nd isle with little boys and after comprise was complete and video secured against person, the person was told only other witnesses were those in video, then given a shotgun and told to have a good hunt. Also should report William Barr AG father is man who set Epstein up to start compromising Dalton kids to get at their parents, they were good friends.
Great article, informative and clear. Very glad to have some light put on Epstein’s connections to Israeli intelligence. The connections are many. It must take real willpower for curious reporters to ignore them. Or determined and corrupted editors.
“What, you believe Israel would use little girls?!” complained the Israelis. That reminds me of an informative and clear report on the Israelis killing little girls An Israeli Soldier Gets Away with Murder in Palestine
I appreciate the courage of Elizabeth and Joe for staying on this story. The extent to which such an obviously major story is being buried, and the tentative tip-toe approach to covering it which Elizabeth describes, is clear evidence of a deep, pervasive, and dangerous criminal operation.
One of the most glaringly omitted elements of the Epstein “suicide” fabrication is as follows. The only people arrested in relation to anything to do with Epstein, his crimes and his death are the two unfortunate prison guards. Do we ever hear exactly WHAT they are charged with that required posting $100,000 bail each? It seems a pretty stiff bail for the CRIME OF FALLING ASLEEP ON THE JOB!!!! There is 100% silence on any of this.
Quite possibly the guards were the killers.
Thank you for expanding on this story .I have to wonder if we,the public ,will ever get to the bottom of this scandal ,otherwise it will continue to fester within the criminal agencies that are said to be the intel agencies ,CIA,Mossad,MI6 ,etc.etc.
Good article to add to my files on this case.
Many thanks Elizabeth Vos. We readers appreciate Consortiumnews showing us how disinformation works. I would refer readers to CN’s several articles about Jeffery Epstein including the intelligence angle, see Edward Curtin’s report, especially the great poem by commenter F.G. Sanford, plus Whitney Webb’s video…
Copy and paste:
Glad to see Consortium News and Ms. Vos on this story and referencing Whitney Webb’s fantastic reporting. The betrayal of victims and the truth in general here says a lot about our dear leaders and corporate media, making plain their moral depravity. It can’t be a surprise to anyone why Epstein was silenced and why the likes of Netflix and our corporate media won’t touch the full story; too many powerful actors are implicated (criminals all) and too many careers are at stake. Hell, the whole diseased concept of who America is is at stake. So, the great and powerful Oz will do all he can to prevent Toto from pulling the curtain back.
But the world today is crying out for truth and justice in a way it never has, perhaps, pushed to a level of depravity/insanity that we haven’t seen in a century, at least. The truth of our history must be admitted and reconciled. We must stay on this story and so many others.
But we won’t. We cannot admit the truth of neurobiologically inherent
violent, exploitative, predatory behavior institutionalized in “civilized” social dominance hierarchies, vice, ecological devastation, recurring barbaric warfare. The cognitive brain cannot adequately pacify the limbic fight/flight system. Even otherwise “honorable” men (and a few women) succumb to “temptation”; business goes on as usual. Exceptions are extraordinary and very rare. Our best is never good enough, although the conscientious labor on with love…
The entire island was wired for video.
So all the Bill Clintons and Prince Andrews and Saudi Crown Princes (yes, he is said to have been a regular) making out with young procured girls are documented.
Ghislaine Maxwell is said to have the videos, so no law enforcement is going to be bothering her.
It was a giant honey trap, and in the past, honey traps have been a favorite tool of Mossad. There were a number of prominent cases in the past including that of Mordechai Vanunu.
There can be no doubt of Epstein’s murder. Guards stopped checking. Video stopped working. Neck bones broken as from strangulation. Sheets in the special cells were made of paper, too, not cloth.You could never hang yourself with one.
This set of events goes the way of so many where officials will never reveal the truth – as, the Kennedy assassination and 9/11 and the downing of Flight MH17 in Ukraine.
International intrigue and empire make for very high stakes and dark secrets.
Franklin Coverup anyone?
Referenced Franklin here, Garrett: hXXps://
Oh, if the Revolution could start at the front doors of the CIA and Wall Street. Then we’d have something.
This is a very remarkable report, persuasively assembling key links of the story to Israeli secret agencies.
The Israeli secret agencies according to a survivor operate vast sex trafficking rings “all over the world” including Epstein’s ring. With the Bill Clinton/Prince Andrew evidence, this shows a major channel of influence over US/UK in addition to massive bribery, an “offer they can’t refuse” when bribery doesn’t work. Ghislaine Maxwell knew Israeli secret agencies via her father Robert Maxwell, Epstein’s “financial conduit” from those agencies.
The fact that Robert Maxwell “mysteriously fell off his yacht in 1991 in the Atlantic Ocean” after he “attempted to blackmail Mossad” shows that Israeli secret agencies were willing to snuff Epstein due to his plea bargain deal and the “influential figures” named in the victim Giuffre lawsuit filed the day before his death. Former Israeli secret agent Ben-Menashe said “that lawsuit was his death sentence” and the NY medical examiner calling the death suicide while a pathologist called it homicide, does suggest that the prison staff, killer, and medical examiner were paid off, or some painless suicide formula supplied, via Israeli secret agencies. Probably their simplest deal in a long time. But then perhaps he was disappeared to Israel while examiners and pathologists confirmed his death.
One wonders whether Ben-Menashe seeks truth that makes Israel “anathema around the world” or to exonerate Mossad. And whether Prince Andrew is his ideal informant as near Epstein “all the time” or as owing Israel a favor.
This is a very remarkable report, persuasively assembling key links of the story to Israeli secret agencies.
The Israeli secret agencies according to a survivor operate vast sex trafficking rings “all over the world” including Epstein’s ring. With the Bill Clinton/Prince Andrew evidence, this shows a major channel of influence over US/UK in addition to massive bribery, an “offer they can’t refuse” when bribery doesn’t work. Ghislaine Maxwell knew Israeli secret agencies via her father Robert Maxwell, Epstein’s “financial conduit” from those agencies.
The fact that Robert Maxwell “mysteriously fell off his yacht in 1991 in the Atlantic Ocean” after he “attempted to blackmail Mossad” shows that Israeli secret agencies were willing to snuff Epstein due to his plea bargain deal and the “influential figures” named in the victim Giuffre lawsuit filed the day before his death. Former Israeli secret agent Ben-Menashe said “that lawsuit was his death sentence” and the NY medical examiner calling the death suicide while a pathologist called it homicide, strongly argues that the killer, prison staff or gang, and medical examiner were paid off via Israeli secret agencies. Probably the simplest deal they had made in a long time.
The negative operation alluded to in this article, in and of itself in its very essence, is a crime against Life, Nature, and God (whether you believe so, or not).
The fact that Maxwell can’t be found to be served is quite telling. In today’s world, disappearing is no simple task. How does she get money? How does she assume a fake identity? Is she recognizable, or has she undergone cosmetic surgery? Could she be hiding in Israel with the help of Israeli military “intelligence”.
I have always been mildly surprised that Epstein didn’t have some kind of “dead man’s switch” and let it be known to his blackmail victims that he was therefore untouchable. Maybe he did, but the MSM is so co-opted by “intelligence” agencies that nothing involving powerful people sees the light of day. Thus the blackmail can continue.
Great article Elizabeth- Thank you.
There is a monstrous coverup going on that almost reaches to the level of the JFK assassination coverup. Many very important and powerful individuals and organizations are likely involved and will do anything to smother the truth in its cradle. For shame. I highly recommend Whitney Webb’s extensive coverage of the Epstein affair at
Among the powerful criminals is Bill Clinton, the potential First Husband.
If Hilary was able to initiate the ongoing regime change in the US (by using the CIA), the protection of the rapists was child play.
Thank you for this terrific and thorough article!!! You covered all of the pertinent points that are left out of the (very few) serious articles on this topic and your analysis is solid. Terrific job. This article should go viral and be looked at by anyone who cares about the horrors of child sex trafficking AND the endless abuses of power by the intelligence/security organizations. There should be many dozens of vile perpetrators indicted, charged and convicted but there is NOTHING going on at all! Instead, monstrous despicable acts of scumbags are given a free pass, which equals sanctioning and complicity. If we cannot prevent the horrific sexual exploitation of children then our society has clearly sunk into the putrid depths of no return.
What is interesting about the Iran-Contra is; the left over arms from Korea, half went to Vietnam, half went to Iran.
Reagan sent Ross Perot to Vietnam to try and bring home the left behind alive POWs from the Vietnam War.
But the Iran contra got in the way and the last effort to bring home the remaining prisoners ended.
If you ever wondered about why Congress voted to go to war with Iraq and always seems to support Israel no matter the extent of their evil,you now have your answer.
Deniz, sure enough this is part of the answer. There used to be a guy who it was claimed knew all the secrets I would submit to everyone interested that , in my humble opinion if we could see inside the current AG’s head we would discover who took Richard Helms place as that functionary.
Hint: CIA needed to rid itself of any evidence of it’s money laundering something it has been involved with since the 1960’s. (the drug dealing had become too widely known). See the PROMOS / INSLAW scandal. Then follow the money and BCCI which got hushed up. Simply check how that investigation was negotiated to an end.
Billy P., it has been claimed advised Bill Clinton not to pursue the BCCI scandal as they DOJ and NSA swept Bill Hamilton under the rug. It does seem that the rug might not have been large enough to cover the mess though.
Thanks CN