Thank You Donors!


Consortium News remains a free news service going where corporate media dares not go thanks to the generous support of special readers of the website and viewers of CN Live!

In these especially tough times for most of us we are especially grateful for the donors who helped us meet out goal for the 25th Anniversary Spring Fund Drive.  We exceeded the target by nearly $7,000.  The money will be used for our general operating budget: paying writers and editors, our video producer, special reports, administrative staff (who make payments, moderate comments, send out daily emails) as well as covering the costs of hosting the website and processing donations. 

Remember, that with the July 15 IRS deadline approaching your contributions are tax-deductible. 

From our staff to you a big:


2 comments for “Thank You Donors!

  1. countykerry
    June 16, 2020 at 21:59

    I only regret that I am unable to contribute more !

  2. Mark Stewart
    June 16, 2020 at 13:55

    You’re welcome! Keep going!

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