WATCH: Outpouring for Assange on World Press Freedom Day


In a number of videos posted here journalists and supporters defended the imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher from the repression against him from the U.S. and British states.

Consortium News

On World Press Freedom Day Sunday U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called for the immediate release of all journalists imprisoned for their reporting. 

Meanwhile Pompeo’s government has forced the imprisonment of journalist Julian Assange—for his reporting.  

Former Vice President Joe Biden, now the presumptive Democratic Party nominee for president, tweeted that “attacking the press and attempting to intimidate media is a standard part of the authoritarian playbook around the world. And it’s why Donald Trump’s efforts to demonize the media puts us on such a dangerous path.”

In December 2010 Vice President Biden said Assange’s case was “closer to being a high-tech terrorist than to the Pentagon Papers.”

Journalists and Assange supporters on Sunday took part in numerous online discussions defending the imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher. Here is a selection of some of those videos.

In the first (1hr 16m), CN Live! Executive Producer Cathy Vogan interviews CN Editor Joe Lauria and the hacker, Commander X, an Anonymous leader who took part in Operation Avenge Assange after WikiLeaks was cut off from donations through PayPal and MasterCard. He spoke from his newly-won political asylum in Mexico. Video by #WorldPressFreedomDay Digital March For #JulianAssange.

The second video (58m) features Aaron Mate interviewing journalists Barton Gellman and Ewen MacAskill plus Rebecca Vincent, UK bureau director at Reporters without Borders, produced by the Courage Foundation.

The third clip (4m) features veteran Australian broadcaster Mary Kostakidis in a video by the Support Assange and WikiLeaks Coalition.

The final video (2hr 1m) produced by Slow News Day, presents CN Live! co-host Elizabeth Vos, journalist Kevin Gosztola, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern and former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.



8 comments for “WATCH: Outpouring for Assange on World Press Freedom Day

  1. viva hoffmann
    May 6, 2020 at 01:18

    I actually worked as a Journalist for twenty years or more. There is no harder a job to do with the exception of raising a child and I was raising two of them alone. Without fellow journalists like Julian Assange I might never have known, for example, that breastfeeding for two years or more was recommended by the AMA; I may have listened to my parents or friends who all thought I was “overdoing” it. And that, which seemed to be a purely domestic issue was actually a worldwide issue then, not only with Nestle exporting the formula but with the knowledge that healthier babies make healthier adults which in turn make healthier politicians, judges, prosecutors, and newspaper editors. The last person on earth to put in jail for doing his or her job in a corrupt, greedy, and murderous world, always at war or on the brink of another one, is a journalist. This persecution of Julian Assange is abhorrent to all thinking Beings. Julian, I weep for you and pray for you and above all I thank you. You are appreciated and loved far more than you are aware of especially now when we have this virus crisis, global warming crisis, and lockdown economic crisis. If only you were here to dig deeply into the coffers of duplicity which have us all in the grip of what appear to be madmen.

  2. viva hoffmann
    May 6, 2020 at 01:16

    I actually worked as a Journalist for twenty years or more. There is no harder a job to do with the exception of raising a child and I was raising two of them alone. Without fellow journalists like Julian Assange I might never have known, for example, that breastfeeding for two years or more was recommended by the AMA; I may have listened to my parents or friends who all thought I was “overdoing” it. And that, which seemed to be a purely domestic issue was actually a worldwide issue then, not only with Nestle exporting the formula but with the knowledge that healthier babies make healthier adults which in turn make healthier politicians, judges, prosecutors, and newspaper editors. The last person on earth to put in jail for doing his or her job in a corrupt, greedy, and murderous world, always at war or on the brink of another one, is a journalist. This persecution of Julian Assange is abhorrent to all thinking Beings. Julian, I weep for you and pray for you and above all I thank you. You are appreciated and loved far more than you are aware of especially now when we have this virus crisis, global warming crisis, and lockdown economic crisis. If only you were here to dig deeply into the coffers of duplicity which have us all in the grip of what appear to be madmen. Thank you again from a grateful world.

  3. Monique
    May 5, 2020 at 10:56

    Ne laissons pas Washington et ses sbires Pompeo, Trump et les autres se donner le droit de s’amuser à regarder Julian mourir à petit feu. Qui sont ces hommes qui se donnent le droit de vie ou de mort comme le font les tyrans? Que font les avocats de la défense auprès des politiques pour le garder en vie en le faisant sortir de prison?

    [Let’s not let Washington and his henchmen Pompeo, Trump and the others have the right to have fun watching Julian die slowly. Who are these men who give themselves the right to life and death like tyrants do? What are defense lawyers doing with politicians to keep him alive by getting him out of prison? trans. by Google]

  4. Nicola Malleson
    May 5, 2020 at 09:51

    Free Julian Assange whose only crime was to speak TRUTH to power it is what journalist are meant to do.

  5. Malcolm S.
    May 4, 2020 at 11:11

    over 1000 people joined the WORLD PRESS FREEDOM virtual march for Julian
    Go to facebook: TRUTH & COURAGE MARCH FOR JULIAN group to see their photos.

    • Nylene13
      May 4, 2020 at 13:01

      Good! Free Julian Assange!

  6. May 4, 2020 at 10:01

    Pompeo as others, are simply HYPOCRITE LIARS !! Pretend to be For Human Rights, and Freedom of Press, these are WORDS, empty WORDS ! If they were HONEST they would Free Mr. Assange from Long Ago !! Instead of waiting to see him DEAD in this Horrible Prison !!

    • Nylene13
      May 4, 2020 at 13:03

      Yes, Free Julian Assange!

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