CN LIVE! Season 2 Episode 2: DOCTORS FOR ASSANGE–Watch the Replay


CN Live! webcast an event in Sydney featuring doctors who’ve petitioned the UK & Australia to provide urgent medical care for Julian Assange. 

On Nov. 22 more than 100 doctors petitioned British Home Secretary Priti Patel to allow imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange to be transferred to a university hospital to receive urgent medical care. The letter has so far been unanswered. On Dec.4 the doctors wrote again, this time to Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice the Rt Hon Robert Buckland QC.

“We reiterate our grave concern that Mr Assange could die of deliberate medical negligence in a British prison and demand an urgent response from the UK Government,” the doctors wrote. “In our open letter, we urged the UK Government to change course immediately and transfer Mr Assange from Belmarsh Prison to a university teaching hospital for appropriate expert medical assessment and care. So far, we have received no substantive reply from the UK Government, nor has receipt of our letter been acknowledged.

“In our opinion, the UK Government’s conduct in this matter is irresponsible, incompatible with medical ethics and unworthy of a democratic society bound by the rule of law,” the doctors said. On Dec. 16 the doctors wrote to the Australian foreign minister urging that Assange’s government intervene. 

Tonight doctors in Bolivia, Britain, the U.S. and Australia will take part in an event in Sydney to make their mounting concerns further known.

You can watch it here on Consortium News



11 comments for “CN LIVE! Season 2 Episode 2: DOCTORS FOR ASSANGE–Watch the Replay

  1. dean 1000
    January 26, 2020 at 15:56

    Nice to see CN Live again and Dr Jill Stein talking about the terrible wrongs done to Julian Assange. At this time Doctors can do more for Assange than others due to his failing health.
    Apparently zoo animals get better, and more timely health care than Mr. Assange. A man-eating lion or an elderly Great White Shark get better medical treatment than an exemplary truth teller. Telling the truth is not an “infamous crime.” Yet Mr. Assange is being “held to answer” without the judgment of his peers, or a 6th amendment jury. The government can’t prove that exemplary truth telling is a crime, so passed a law saying it doesn’t have to. The lawyers call it malum prohibitum. “ Mama don’t allow no guitar playing round here” is also malum prohibitum. Mama won’t put a truth telling guitar in jail.

    Murderers and child molesters walk out of prison fit and healthy because they got the medical care they needed while in prison. The Doctors say Julian Assange needs lifesaving medical treatment he can’t get in a prison dispensary or hospital. The oligarchy that imprisons Assange does care. It cares about keeping the truth Assange told about its wrongdoing and crimes from the public.

    The US government will allow you to hear the truth of a trumpet or violin over the means of mass communication it controls through its corporate creatures. You may not hear about the truth about its crimes and misdeeds. What First Amendment?

    • Me my self
      January 28, 2020 at 14:14

      Dehumanizing is where it starts “Murderers and child molesters” Julian Assange was unjustly labeled and people are unjustly convinced to allow Fake Government to do as it pleases.

  2. Me my self
    January 25, 2020 at 08:55

    Could doctors certify government as unfit to serve?

  3. January 23, 2020 at 23:46

    Is this video going to be presented?
    Thank you.

      January 24, 2020 at 00:42

      Yes we are working on putting the video together. It will be out shortly.

  4. Mike Hopper
    January 22, 2020 at 13:21

    Thank you CN for your dedication to reporting the appalling treatment of Julian and others who dare speak truth to power. Incredible as it may seem to those who have not been paying attention, trusting institutions, governments, and the sacrifices of our forebears to ensure our democracy has proven naive to say the least. There are always those who are willing to sell our freedom for their profit. The poor and working class have already lost their voice and their rights in England and the USA and other western former democracies.Too many of the middle classes and professionals, although aware of the changing dynamics are distracted by the toys and marvels of unrestricted capitalism, and mistakenly believe their loyalty to the party line will protect them. But alas, with ever dime of profit already squeezed from the powerless, the boundless greed of billionaires and bankers, demagogues and despots, have long abandoned the restrictions of ideals and humanities such as gratitude or loyalty. As our most famous and successful (and previously protected) sons Julian Assange and Jamal Khashoggi so aptly epitomize: no one is safe.

    January 22, 2020 at 11:21

    The event was recorded and will be posted here shortly. Thanks for your patience.

  6. Norma
    January 22, 2020 at 05:04

    Thank you CN & Doctors for helping JA!
    How can we help?

    • jmg
      January 25, 2020 at 17:20

      Norma wrote:
      > Thank you CN & Doctors for helping JA!
      > How can we help?

      You can start with:



      There is a lot of disinformation, so a very important task is to help inform people.

      Two quotes on this situation from Nils Melzer, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture:

      “How do you break a political dissident, a promoter of truth and transparency? Well, first you attack his reputation and credibility, and destroy his human dignity.”

      “In the end it finally dawned on me that I had been blinded by propaganda, and that Assange had been systematically slandered to divert attention from the crimes he exposed. Once he had been dehumanized through isolation, ridicule and shame, just like the witches we used to burn at the stake, it was easy to deprive him of his most fundamental rights without provoking public outrage worldwide. And thus, a legal precedent is being set, through the backdoor of our own complacency, which in the future can and will be applied just as well to disclosures by The Guardian, the New York Times and ABC News.”

      For example, a good suggestion from Australian Federal MP Andrew Wilkie, one of the founders of cross-party Bring Assange Home Parliamentary Group:

      “It’s important that parliamentarians learn the facts of this matter. There’s so much naiveté and ignorance and disinformation swirling around that it’s no wonder that a lot of people are wary or even dislike Julian, but I reckon that when people find out the facts of the matter they will get behind him.”

  7. Curious
    January 21, 2020 at 23:30

    Thank you CN,
    I was hoping for an in-depth follow up to the letters which seemed impossible, or at least, irresponsible to avoid.
    Thank you for your pursuit in this very important issue of J.A. And his health and mistreatment.

    • Glyn Farrell FRCS, FRACS
      January 22, 2020 at 02:00

      Unbelievable that British justice can treat Assange so appallingly and that so many Australian governments have and still apparently do nothing for this citizen.
      Journalists and whistleblowers are severley punished for reporting wrongdoing whilst perpetrators of incredible crimes go their merry way

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